Introduction to Affiliate Marketing

How One Small Website Changed My Entire Life (And How This Page Can Change Yours)

By: Steve Razinski on July 7th 2018

Steve If you’re on this page, it’s because you’ve tried to find a legitimate way of making money online, and you’ve probably not had much success so far.

I don’t blame you. Here at, I have reviewed hundreds of “make money online” opportunities, and most of them turn out to be scams. That’s the whole point of ITT.

I review the scams, and save you from losing your money.

But what about helping you make money, can I do that too?

Why yes I can.

And this page is going to tell you how.

The Best Way to Make Money Online in 2018, even as a Beginner

If you’ve never heard of it before, allow me to introduce you to the world of affiliate marketing.

Before I explain exactly what affiliate marketing is, let me tell you why I think it’s hands down the best way for you to make money online, in 2018, and beyond.

Affiliate marketing:

  • Does not require a lot of money to start
  • Is something everyone and anyone can understand
  • Takes time to master, but is simple to do so
  • Can make you anywhere from an extra $100 per month, to thousands of dollars per month. It can literally change your life (just like it changed mine, and many of my readers’).
  • Is something you can start today.

You’ll probably have noticed by now that many make money online opportunities are based on “loopholes” or “secret tricks” and all you have to do is hand over your hard earned money, and some “guru” will tell you those secrets.

That’s generally a bunch of BS.

What I’m going to introduce to you is a tried and true method of making money.

It doesn’t rely on mythical tricks or fake loopholes.

Once you learn the basics, you work on it every day and can scale as high as you want to.

I earn my living from affiliate marketing, and I can work wherever I want, whenever I want.

Not only that, but I earn more than I ever thought possible.

I’m not going to tell you about fast cars, mansions, and all of that hypey stuff.

But I will tell you that there is no limit to how much you can earn with affiliate marketing.

Some bloggers are making over six figures PER MONTH just by writing content for their websites.

Now, this doesn’t mean you are going to become an instant millionaire.

What it DOES mean, is that if you work at it, you don’t have to rely on some boss who’s never going to give you a promotion. You don’t have to wait all year for a one week holiday that you spend exhausted on the sofa. You don’t have to give up your time to make someone else rich.

You get to work when you want, where you want. I’ve already mentioned that once, but let it sink in some more.

This was where I worked for two weeks earlier this year. My wife Amanda and I took my then six month old son to Hawaii along with some friends who are also affiliate marketers.

Sure, it was a vacation and we took the time to relax. But I also spent a lot of time on that balcony getting work done.

See, the thing is, I can work from literally anywhere in the world.

I live in Pittsburgh so when the cold, gray winter starts, I get the hell out.

You know what’s better than Pittsburgh in the winter? Hawaii, yes, but pretty much everywhere else.

And it’s all because I learned what affiliate marketing was a few years ago, and dedicated myself to building up an income that was partially passive (hey I do still have to work SOMEtimes), location independent, and substantial enough that we could afford to go to places like Hawaii.

…which brings me on to the question you’ve probably had for the past few minutes.

What Exactly IS Affiliate Marketing?

Is it spammy?


Does it require you to trick people or use magic exploits?

Heck no.

In fact, the essence of affiliate marketing is helping people connect with the information they are searching for online.

Let me give you an example.

Let’s say you want to start shaving with a straight razor. One of the first things you’re likely to do is head to Google and search for “Best straight razor” because you’re a smart consumer who wants to make sure they are getting the best value for your money.

Here are the first two results and they both list the best razors.

Let’s check out the second result at “Balding Beards”

The post is pretty straightforward. The owner has written an article about straight razors. They talk about what you need to know if you’re going to buy one, what some of the things you should avoid are, and then they talk about some of the best razors out there.

Now, here’s the cool part.

Let’s look at the top recommended product on that page:

See that blue link?

That’s an affiliate link. It will direct the reader to the razor’s product page at Amazon.

Every single person who clicks one of those links, and then goes to Amazon and buys a razor (actually, if they buy ANYTHING at all), the website owner will earn a commission.

That’s right. The mighty sends this website owner a check, as a thank you for referring them a customer.

…and THAT’s affiliate marketing.

See what I mean? It’s pretty simple.

You don’t have to “sell” anything to anybody. You’re just recommending which razor is the best. You’re not taking money from customers, you’re not shipping razors to them and worrying about inventory. You’re just writing an article, and making money from it.

And you can build a website on any topic. Not interested in a shaving website? No problem. Pretty much anything that is sold on Amazon is a good topic for you.

And Amazon is just ONE company you can work with. There are hundreds, even thousands of businesses out there who want to pay people commissions.

All you have to do, is learn how to work with them, and how to send them customers.

And that’s what I’ll talk about now.

By the way, you’ might be thinking that this sounds pretty complicated, and that you’ll never be able to do this.

Well, what if I told you that one of those razor websites on page 1 of Google was built by one of my readers, and it was making him money after only a few months? He was not even an expert yet, but he was making money from Amazon every month.

So anyone can make this work. They just have to learn a few things:

How To Get Your Website To The Top Of Google

If you do this, you can get FREE traffic from Google. Imagine if your website was recommending blenders, or something like that, and every time someone typed into Google “What’s the best blender?” they found your website right at the top, and they visited your site, clicked a link to Amazon, bought a blender, and earned you some commission.

Now imagine if it didn’t cost you any money to get your website to the top of Google. You just had to learn how to create content that Google wanted to rank highly.

So you write that one article, and it gets visitors and commissions over and over again, every single day.

Does that sound good?

That’s one of the key things I’m going to show you how to do.

How To Pick Products To Review

Of course, you want to make sure you’re writing about things people are interested in, and you want to make sure people are actually searching for those things in Google.

Well, it’s easier than you think. There are a bunch of tools that help you do this research. Affiliate marketing is a massive industry, you don’t need to figure it all out yourself.

There’s an example above of one such tool. It actually tells you what people search for in Google, and how often they search.

How To Pick A Website Topic

This one is pretty important. How do you decide whether your website should be about fitness, razors, pets, romance, food, money?…the list goes on. It’s important to choose the right “niche”, because if you pick a topic that is too competitive (too many other websites already exist on the subject), then it will be much harder to get your website to the top of Google.

Again, don’t worry, there are tools to help you do this, and I’ll teach you how to do it. It’s one of those things that takes a little while to get your head around, but just takes practice to master.

Once you’ve found a topic for your website, something you know you can make money from, everything else is straightforward.

How To Write Content

Yep, I knew you were going to be worried about this one. “I’m not a good writer!” is a common excuse people give me for not trying affiliate marketing.

Well listen, you don’t really have to be a good writer. You just have to know a few things about your subject.

Imagine you’re an expert on razors (yeah let’s stick with that example for now), and your friend asks you what razor they should buy. It would be pretty easy for you to explain to them what they should look for right? “Don’t get this type of razor, get that type instead, if you are on a this one.” It’s that simple. Just imagine you’re telling a friend which thing to buy, then write it down.

How To Be An Expert

Which brings us to the next excuse I often hear. “I’m not an expert in anything”. Well, it doesn’t take time to learn.

When my student started his razor website, he didn’t know much about shaving. He was a guy, so that helped, but that was the extent of his expertise. All he had to do was ready a few other websites every week, read some forums, and suddenly he knew more than most people, and way more than his website visitors, which is all it really takes to recommend something.

Becoming an expert is quite simple, and I can give you even more tips later for mastering this.

How To Build A Website In The First Place

I’ve saved the best till last. You might think “Wait a minute, I have no idea how to code or build websites or do that kind of thing”, and that’s absolutely fine. It’s 2018 now, website creation is as easy as setting up a Facebook profile. Thanks to systems like WordPress, anybody can build a website, without learning a single line of code.

Here is how easy it is to get a website online:

You simply write the post, hit Publish, and WordPress will take care of everything else.

It’s as easy as sending an email.

So How Do You Actually Learn All These Things?

This article is getting pretty long, and so far, I’ve only told you WHAT you need to learn. I’ve not really told you how to actually do those things.

I didn’t want to bore you right off the bat. I just wanted to explain to you that affiliate marketing really is a simple thing to learn, and it doesn’t cost an arm and a leg to get started.

You’re not going to be buying inventory, you’re not going to be paying for expensive adverts. You could get started for less than $100. Which is frankly, amazing, considering this is something that could earn you thousands and thousands of dollars once your site is established and doing well.

So, if you’re reading this and nodding your head and thinking “Show me how to do all this!” then you’re in luck. I’ve put together a few emails, which you can access FOR FREE by signing up below, and those emails will walk you through all the next steps you need to take.

Affiliate marketing changed my life, it changed many of my readers lives, and this website was created so it could change your life too.

Let’s get to it.

Fill out the form below and I will email you my course. While you wait, the next page will show you my top recommendation on how to get started.