Work From Home

Angela Penbrook? Angel Stevens? A Scam by Any Other Name…

Hey, you! “Angela Penbrook!” We’re calling you out. You are deliberately misleading people desperate for legitimate work so you can sell your “rebate processing program.” We’re gonna expose you.

When we said we were going to review the “rebate processing jobs” that have become popular over the last year, one of the first commenters asked if we were going to look at Angela Penbrook’s system at or Or is it “Angel Stevens?” It doesn’t really matter because both “women” and their claims are equally misleading.

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[Update March 10, 2009: ABC News’s 20/20 program featured this scam on March 6. Click here to watch the segment.]

We didn’t sign up for her program because it was $197, while other sites are offering the exact same “opportunity” for as little as $29.95. And because we didn’t sign up, this is not a full review. It’s merely my opinion based on experience and based on the claims on “Angela’s” own website.

Read All About “Rebate Processing Jobs”
If you’re new to I’ve Tried That, you’ll want to click over to our full review of rebate processor jobs. We signed up for one of them and tell you all about what they’re really offering.

After you’ve read that original review, this one will make a lot more sense. It’s the same pig, just with different lipstick.

It’s Not a Job. They’re Barely Rebates
What Penbrook is offering you is not a job. You’re not going to get batches of work from Home Depot of Blockbuster or Netflix. It is internet marketing. And to call what you would be doing “rebate processing” is deliberately misleading. Here’s how the program is supposed to work:

  • The forms you fill out are used to create Internet advertisements for companies selling products through Clickbank, a large Internet marketing clearing house.
  • After you create an ad, you have to get lots of people to see it. You do this by spreading your ads all over the ‘Net. (Psst! That’s called “spam” and is frowned upon in polite societies.)
  • When lots of people see it, some will click on it.
  • When lots of people click on it, some will purchase whatever your ad is selling.
  • Then, and only then, will you get paid.
  • The “rebate” is you sending part of your commission back to the buyer.
  • Lots of Hype, Little Substance
    Here’s a clue you can use to spot misleading “job” advertisements every time: look for the sales tactics. Why are sales tactics a clue that you’re about to be taken to the cleaners? Because the scammer led you to believe that you’re learning about a job. But if you read the whole page, do you have a good idea of what you will be doing?

    Imagine going to a job interview and your potential boss tells you a sob story about how broke he was, how he finally “made it” and how you can make thousands of dollars a day. Wouldn’t you be suspicious he didn’t tell you what work you would be doing? The same principle applies to Internet “job” advertisements.

    Here are the sales tactics Angela Penbrook uses at See the looooong page that starts out with emotional hype? See the clock ticking down until your chance to buy expires? Those are designed to sell you something, not to get you to do legitimate work. Do you really think the positions are almost full and that “today might be the last day?” It’s a sales tactic. See the testimonials? See the pictures of riches and happy people? All are designed to push your emotional buttons to get you to click and buy.

    The Full Truth About Some of Her Lies
    $15 per rebate? If you make a sale from your Internet ads AND the commission is more than $15 AND you decide to send all but $15 back to the purchaser as a “rebate,” then yes, you made $15. I don’t know about you, but that’s a lot of “if.”

    Three easy steps? Yes, you can sign up at Clickbank, create ads, and see who has made purchases that are eligible for refunds. I guess those are three steps. But they are NOT easy steps. They’re categories of steps, each one requiring countless hours and clicks. You’ll spend many hours just to get started, let alone the complex steps involved in getting people to see and click on your ads.

    The reasons processing rebates is profitable. These reasons are about halfway down her page, after the table showing how much money you can make. They are deliberately written to make you think companies are dieing to “hire” you to work from home processing their rebates. I hope it’s clear by now that nothing could be further from the truth.

    If You Don’t Believe Me, How About the Better Business Bureau?
    The BBB report has this to say about

    Complainants allege false advertising, misrepresentation, inability to obtain refunds, and failure to honor their money back guarantee. Some customers complain that instead of receiving an employment opportunity, they received only instructions on internet sales tactics. Other complainants report they are unable to speak with anyone at the company or that company personnel is rude or fails to resolve their concerns. Most complainants allege the company fails to provide any information or instructions on obtaining refunds. All complaints are pending at this time.

    And this:

    We believe this company’s advertising is deceptive and misleading. They are not directly offering employment. They sell information, not viable work opportunities. In our experience, the only one collecting any money will be this company collecting your $197.00. We know of no work at home offer that has ever generated the amount of income implied or advertised in the offer.

    Scrubbing the Ick Off
    I could go on, but I’ve spent enough time with Angela Penbrook. I need to go take a shower now. I’m so thoroughly disgusted with her deception, I can’t even tell you. Here at I’ve Tried That, we hear from lots of people who are just trying to make a little extra working from home, and they get taken in by lying pages like this one. They usually spend money they don’t have to sign up for programs they don’t understand. Angela Penbrook knows this and plays your fears to make herself rich.

    We’ve written a book that tells you how to find real jobs online and how to spot deceptive advertising like rebate processing sites use.

    [Update: April 5, 2008]
    This is very revealing. Connie in the comments called “Angela’s” 1-800 number to demand a refund. The rep on the other end of the line took her name and information, put her on hold, and then came back and said her refund was being processed. But Connie never signed up to begin with! “Angela Penbrook’s” operation is probably being run from a kitchen table somewhere with a pencil and paper.

495 thoughts on “Angela Penbrook? Angel Stevens? A Scam by Any Other Name…”

  1. I almost got scammed by this slick operator….Angela Pembrook (or Ralph Smith or whatever) I find it very hard to understand why anyone would do this and use their real name. Before I paid the $197, I printed out the refund policy.

    As soon as I saw the shoddy e-book filled with misspellings and in a format that does not allow easy printing, I realized something was wrong.

    The refund policy stated that I would need a transaction number. I looked on the two e-mails I received and saw no transaction number or any reference to the amount of money I paid.

    I called the number for customer service and a woman tried to explain to me in broken English how I would need a Clickbank ID to work the program. I told her that Clickbank has nothing to do with processing rebates for large companies and also that there was absolutely no information in the e-book that told how to do that. After the phone call, I filed a complaint with my bank and cancelled the credit card I used. The money is already safely back in the bank.

    I feel very fortunate that I am an experienced Internet marketer already. I was attracted to the rebate processing ad, because it looked like a good way to generate some additional working capital for my business.

    It makes me sad that there are people operating businesses like this online. I intend to build a reputable online business that offers value for the money I’m paid. I know many reputable marketers who do just that and make great livings and help people in the process.

    I really hope someone can do something to stop the “Angela Pembrooks” of the world, but as for me….I got my money back, learned a few lessons and Im not going to waste any more energy on it except to add my two cents worth the the growing Better Business Bureau file that can be accessed here at this address:

    Good Luck Everyone…

  2. I just got off the phone with the attorney generals office in NYC. That number being 212-533-6200, for any of you out there who live in the city. Since I live in Bklyn, I was given another number to call, which is 718-722-3949, to get their address and send a complaint in writing. You must write to your OWN district! If everyone writes the attorney general in their perspective states and enough complaints pile up, action will be taken. Remember, there is strength in numbers. I hope this helps a bit.

  3. Are you still having trouble getting your money back? Call Angela Pembrook DIRECTLY!! Her number is 1-866-512-6740 Ext. 343. The person/message says she’s Angel Marie, but after Googling a bunch of sites, it seems Angela nd Angel are the same person. I talked to her several times and then called and left a message once an hour for 3 days. I just got my credit card statement and the $197.00 was credited!! Good luck!!

  4. Hi Hero,

    You’ve put a lot of time and effort into this and for that I applaud you. After reading the postings that I get daily, I am going to get the BBB in NY involved. Will see if any of the news stations may be interested in this horrendous scam. I have a son in California and a cousin in Arizona who may be of help. Worth a shot to bring these lowlifes down. How do you scam people who just need some extra money, let alone people with MS and war vets who can’t work? The economy has been hard on most of us, and leeches like these bastards take advantage. EVERONE..PLASE KEEP BUSTING BALLS TILL YOU GET YOUR REFUND!!!!
    P.S. My brother is a retired detective and might have some resources available to him.

  5. I HAVE ALL THE INFORMATION ABOUT “ANGELA” OR “ANGEL”!!! “Angela Penbrook” of Penbrook productions as you all know is a scam. I have done hours of reasearch through many different channels, mainly using us search, BBB, google maps, myspace, and other blogs I used to piece this all together.
    [Comment moderated by Joe. We can’t have unverified personal information floating around that someone claims is the info of a scammer. Hero, you might really be a hero if your information is legitimate. But it’s better to share it with the California D.A. and the FBI internet fraud unit, and I’m sure you won’t mind providing us a real name and email address so we can discuss corroboration. We appreciate your sleuthing, but there are limits.]

  6. I am a disabled vet looking to help myself from my home, people like this, that atke advantage of people like me should have their own seat in hell. We don’t get much for our sacrifices in service for our country. Scams like this should be prosicuted. I am glad I googled more information before I fell in to this trap. I thank all of you for getting the truth out to the public.

  7. I count myself as a member of the legion who have “swallowed the hook” and been taken by scam artists. Once upon a time before the Information Superhighway was fully paved, I was sucked in to parting with a now-paltry $15 for a “starter kit” of mailing materials and flyers and a promise of 15 cents paid per flyer sent by me. I never saw the starter kit or my fifteen bucks despite repeated calls to a boiler room number. I finally contacted the U.S. Postal Service who put me in touch with an inspector in their fraud division. He took all my info and said he would get in touch if he had any updates. He did — 2 years later! Turns out our perpetrator had been busy; he was finally arrested for mail fraud and child pornography.

    A bit of a roundabout way to my point that scammers have been around since day one, with no shortage expected soon, but these folks can be brought to justice. Excellent advice from Joe, to which I will add that the FBI has a website for reporting such activity:

    Under “Contact Us” (top left) section, click on “Report Internet Crime”. This will bring up 3 subsequent pages, the last of which is the complaint form itself.

    It may not get your money back, nor even bring the scammer to heel, but the more information the investigators have, the better equipped they are curtail this type of activity.

  8. @ Diane: Diane, you have to convince him. It’s that simple. Don’t wait for him to realize it–hold it up in front of his face. Not as in, “Look, dufus, you fell for a scam,” but gently, “Honey, I don’t think these are people we should be involved with.”

    If he won’t read this post and the comments, print it all out and read him some of the gems during dinner or at bedtime. Do it today before he flushes any more money. If your name is on the credit card account he used to pay the first $197, you can initiate a refund request or fraud reimbursement with the bank. You can also block any further charges from the business that made the $197 withdrawal.

  9. I hate to say that my husband, was so excited about the rebate thing, he just knew he had found THE answer that he had been looking for. I have MS and can no longer work a regular job for different medical reasons, Mike thought this was something that I could do on the days that I felt like sitting at the computer for an hour or so now and then to help make some money. I am 55 yrs. old and was diagoised with MS when I was 18 yrs.old. I wasn’t as excited as Mike was but he spent the $197.00 and last night Mike wanted me to listen in on a 3-way call with some man that was gonna create our business plan and wanted to know how many credit cards we have and what kind of credit limits we have available on each card.It was at that time that I knew that they were really wanting us to use our credit cards to front money for something. I got up and left the room. I know it is a scam but Mike hasn’t realized it yet, I don’t think, and that bothers me. I don’t know what to do at this point………….ANY SUGGESTIONS???????

  10. Stacey: I’m not sure why the bank is denying ur dispute, they should be able to resolve this for you if you provide them with all the info. Mine was processed on Feb 25th, and call them for my refund for the first time on 03/18/08, which is about the same time frame as you. If this don’t get anywhere i suggest you have a 3 way call, you, the bank and Angela’s people, maybe that can work.

    I will pray for you. Don’t give up now.
    You need to get ur money back from that b***h.

  11. Joe: I have a Visa check card. The rep that I spoke with basically stated what was on the account listed. She called back and left me a message that the people she needs to speak to was gone for the day but she will get back with me tomorrow. I explained to her again EVERYTHING that happened. I even included all the information about what I found out about Angela Penbrook and what all of you have gone through. I even told her that other people were able to go to their banks and have this resolved. I can’t see how this is considered legit when what was delivered to me was not what I thought I would be getting plus the 90 days money back guarantee and how this is a huge scam. I will let everyone know what happens when this is all said and done. Keep your fingers crossed.

  12. @ Stacey: That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard! Because you talked to them, your dispute is denied?? That makes no sense at all. Who is the cc issuer? I would raise an unholy stink with my bank. Refuse to talk to the CSR…get a supervisor with real decision-making power.

  13. Hi Everyone…Again!

    Ok…I disputed this charge with my bank (2 weeks ago) because I used the debit/cc option. They said I should receive a letter. I called them back today because I have not received a letter to date. They just informed me that they denied my request because the charge happened on Feb. 19th and I spoke to Angela Penbrooks people about this on March 13th so it was legit. Even though they knew it had a 90 day money back guarantee AND that I have an email stating all refund info from that BITCH! WHAT??? I explained the situation and now the bank girl is going to her “back office” to talk to them to see what we can do. What did I do wrong compared to those of you who have received a refund because you disputed? I feel like I’m getting screwed all over again by that bitch.

  14. Hi Everyone,

    I’m back, and i finnaly receive my money, i had instructed my cousin to file a claim with the bank if they did not refund my money and that’s exactly what she did. And now today, the money was refunded to my account by the bank. (I’m going out tonight! LOL I’m gonna take some people I care about out to dinner with this money later.)

    Gina: don’t waste your time calling these people, contact your CC company or ur bank if you used a debit, that’s the fastest way to go. It’s not gonna take u anywhere, just call ur bank asap. My cousin said all they asked where some info about the purchased and confirmation from when u called to req ur refund and the last time you contacted them.

    Thank God I got my money back, i’ve learned my lesson…
    to everyone out there still fighting, please dont let ur money for this angela b***h, contact ur cc company or ur bank.

  15. I also was suckered into signing up for this. I called 1-866-885-8126 and all I received was a busy signal. I called 1-800-785-8042 and talked to Michael Anderson, who gave m an employee id of 8600230 – probably not right), and requested the refund. Then I called right back ad talked to Melody Upton who stated my refund was going to be processed and I woul receive an email. Then I told her after she gave me the same refund authorization code number as listed above that I wanted to speak to a supervisor. Then she connected me with Chelsea Clayton. I spoke to her and she hung up on me. She informed me that they didn’t have extnsions or id numbers to get back in touch with them. So therefore, I am on the phone again and this time I asked for her directly and I think I have been put on forever hold. So I have connected on another phone and gave the name Jane Smith and we will see if that works! I finally did get through to her again. We will see if the refund actually shows up in 5-7 business days. If no refund, I will contact her again. If I hve to, I will file a lawsuit to get everyone’s money back. I am sure an attorney would love this case since there are so many involved.

  16. Judging by the experiences I’ve read on this board,I am now thoroughly convinced that Angela Penbrook is a scam artist of the worst sort. I am ashamed to say I learned the hard way as well by losing $197 to this lowlife tramp. I found out about this bogus “opportunity” through a spam e-mail. And I am still getting e-mails in my bulk folder from this slime ball pushing her pile of poop. Don’t let this happen to you if you have been smart enough(unlike me)not to take the bait. Thank God for Google or I otherwise would not have found this website.

  17. hi everyone. i read mostly all of your post and i am really sorry to hear about all that. i was about to fall for that scam. but thanks to you i didn’t. but still. the way i was raised and what i learned from my religion, islam, left the responsibilty on my shoulders to try to help ya all get your money back and stop what is happening. so i just emailed fox news about the situation( ill include the email) and i’ll be waching fox all day today hoping they will do something for it. i wish you all best luck and may god help you get your money back
    following is the email:

    please please please give yourself 5 minutes to read the whole email and understand the situation is.

    hi this is a really important issue that alot of people are falling for and losing their money. its about scam website for a person called angela penbrook following is the website:

    this scamer is using even pictures from a retirement website following is the address for that website:
    and the following link shows how many people did fall for that scamer:

    please this is a dangerous issue that needs to be resolved or at least we need to open peoples eyes about. i felt my job is to deliver this to u. and ur job would be to deliver rhe info to everybody everywhere. i’m emailing this and i have a big hope u will do something. i’ll be waching fox news all day today . and i do hope u will help usa from falling into this scams. thank you

  18. Carl, that’s really interesting. I’ll let the links stay, but while I have your attention: I wrote you about 2 weeks ago to ask about your program, but got no reply. Are you spam filtering me?

  19. Thanks everyone!

    I was almost ready to loose $197.00 dollars. I am so glad I checked all your reviews before I joined the Angela Penbroke Program. What a looser she is. She should be send to prison, then have everyone join her her program inside. Maybe somebody would teach her a lesson there, and knock her teech out. I’m sure she would learn not to be so deceptive, once she’s out of her confinement. Be careful folks ! The Internet seems like it’s full SCAMS. Angela Pembroke seems to be the cream of the pure SCUM BAG !!

  20. I did not get scammed but…I could have. Thanks for the info, all. What concerns me is that her bogus advertising is all over the place on Craigslist, CareerBilder and on! How can this be happening? How do we let these websites know not to post her ads?


    More Dirt on whoever this is that calls themselves Angela Penbrook.


    I made a post back on April 9 about the escapades of this bogus individual who presents himself or herself as Angela Penbrook. Personally I do not believe such an individual even exists. I think this website is a scam in the worst way. And it has already been proven by the experiences of everyone on this blog. Go back and read my posts (yes there is two) on April 9.

    Well you would not believe what has happened since then. I noticed lately that my machine has been running exceptionally slow. And seemed to keep getting worse. And then one evening something happened. Out of the clear blue, a website popup in my browser. Guess who it was? You guess it…our mutual friend – Angela Penbrook.

    I thought that is odd. It has happened a few of times recently, but I just passed it off as the name and site didnt mean anything to me then. But now it does after reading the posts here and what I discovered about it. I made a comment to my wife about the site and what I had discovered about it. My wife told me that site has popped up with her several times as well for no reason recently. Well to make a long story short. I then got a suspicious feeling about her (him, it, them) it.

    I decided to run a scan on my machine. I use a really nice deep scanning anti-virus, anti-malware, anti-spyware program. It takes about 45 minutes. And sure enough my machine had lots of stuff hidden deep inside windows where most anti-virus software does not look. I was amazed but not surprised.

    That explains why that pesky little Angela Penbrook website keeps coming up and finding its way into my browser. They have planted a malware bot into my machine that is timed to come up every so often. Not enough to be obvious, but enough to be effective when my browser is open.

    So I cleaned it off and Presto. She has not shown her ugly face on my machine since. Imagine that! Witch!!!!!

    So now I am even more convinced that it is a scam from the word go. Stay away from them. And for heavens sake scan your machine with a good anti-virus, anti-malware program and get her out of your machine. She is nothing more than a cyber whore. And her internet malware disease that she spreads all over to any unsuspecting computer for a buck is evidence.

    In the meantime, Here is a link (maybe Joe will let it stay) to a story I saw on Good Morning America about REAL legitimate companies that hire people to work from home doing customer service work. And they do not require any money to start. It is just like a job. You can check out the story for yourself. I thought it was interesting.

    If Joe decides to take the link down here is a list of some of the companies listed in the story you can check out.

    These are all dot com sites.

    Be sure to read the comment reviews on the abc website. It looks like everyone I read, seemed to favor the liveops company. But I don’t know anything about any of them. You are on your own for this one. This was just the segment I saw. Just make sure you do your own due diligence in checking them out.

    Good Luck to all of you,

    Carl at littleguynetwork-x [dott] com

  22. I just posted a compaint to the following Better Business Bureau:

    BBB of the Southland
    (Colton, CA)
    315 N. La Cadena
    Colton, CA 92324-2927
    Phone: (909)825-7280
    Fax: (909)825-6246

    Following is the address for Penbrook Productions: (Angela Penbrook)

    19800 McArthur Blvd. Suite 300
    Irvine, CA 9212

    The address for ProcessRebateCenter.Com:

    90 Laurel Canyon Blvd Suite 91
    Studio City, CA 91604

    I have the following telephone numbers:
    (800)785-8042, (866)885-8126 and (949)706-3183 Joseph Ashford

    I have e-mailed and also

    I hope everyone will file a complaint with BBB of the Southland so this can be stopped and we will get our refund.

  23. Hi. This comment will get buried amid all the others, and they are numerous! Really, the ONLY thing you need to know about these type of offers is that they are ALL scams. Just ask yourself-does it really make sense that all you have to do is spend a few hours a day to make that kind of money? If it sounds like fraud then it is. They all start the same way-telling you a sob story of how hard they worked at several jobs at a time, barely able to pay rent, kids to support, etc. Then they stumble upon this incredible money making idea and become rich. Now they’re telling you how to do the same. The reality is, if they are getting rich it’s off selling you bogus money making programs using boiler room tactics–you have to sign up right away because there’s only a few positions left! PLEASE don’t fall for these scams! If you’re desparate for money now, then sending these scammers money will only make you worse off! I. personally, have never bought into any of these “deals” but many have. Be smart and THINK about what you may be getting into.

  24. hi, i work for a company that uses angela program. it is a scam all the way because we call her clients and not one im mean not one person has ever made that program work. we help people get a real business going and we send you to the better business burue first to show that we are not miss penbook and that we can really help you. it your are still interested you can email mail me. at i promise that we can help and i will tell you right up front that her program is a scam. good luck finding a real program and i hope you all do well. greg

  25. I really wish I had checked your comments here before giving Angela Penbrook 197.00. I read Tammy’s post and mine reads almost the same. I started calling and e-mailing on March 25 for a refund. I ordered the program on March 10 and tried to access the member area several times getting access denied. This is a total scam. I am filing a dispute with my Bank. I have saved all of my e-mails and their one e-mail reply to me on March 28, 2008 telling me refund is in process and will take 3-7 business days. I filed two complaints on this company with the site you mentioned and another one. I wish everyone luck getting their refund. I have called, my husband called them for me and e-mailed numerous times and I am tired of people taking advantage of all of us trying to find a legitimate work from home business.

    Thanks for letting me vent.

  26. To Jenn M. You did the right thing and went with your gut feeling and it just saved you from losing $3800. The key is to read those adveritisements carefully. Almost every website has that button “Get Started Now” Whether you sign up or not they still make money off of you just by you clicking on their advertisement. It nothing really bad. People put websites and advertisements out to gain your interest or set you with offers you might like. The only thing about all of this is that you’re taking risks which is just about the only you’ll know if some of these programs work unless of course you do research on Google or any site that does these investigations. I’m really not that knowledgeable but I can really say I learned alot in the past 3 weeks from experience all over the internet and how some of it works

  27. You know what I just noticed, you know the form that you fill out after you click the “get started” now button at the bottom of the web page- On the form it asks you if you have any credit cards and how much credit you have – I wonder if that is a tip off to the scammer to contact you to try to get more money from you, just like Bailey on April 1st comment was promised “a 6-week training program with the first 30 day profit exceeding $3,000 and doubling every 30 days. For only $3,840.00!!!!!”
    I was about to put how many cards I had and how much credit my husband and I have until I changed my mind at the last minute and put $0. I never did recieve a call from the training consultant I was promised!
    Just a thought I had, what do you all think?

  28. I haven’t given up looking for opportunity but after reading these comments almost everyday I’ve opened my eyes more and doing alot more research. Alot of companies or sites out there are doing the same thing but work differently than Angela Penbrook. Alot online programs offer “free website” just for you. When you think you’re site is working and making money for you, hmmm…… guess again. Some of the people that build these sites do not give the full detail on how to run it successfully and also they have complete control on their end to make money off of you without you even knowing it. I know from experience. I tried customer service several times, no answer. I’m not saying everyone is like this but I believe 90% of it is, so please do your homework as much as you can, it does really help when you decide to take these risk!

  29. This is to Joe. I would do that but the card I used was my H&R Block Tax refund card and they dont persue things like this. So not only was I hurt my Angela Penbrook I dont have a leg to stand on with the credit card either. Thank You for your advise and concern but I have not given up just yet. Tammy

  30. I must humbly admit I was a “victim” of this predator, Angela Penbrook. I will tell you that there IS hope – all you have to do is provide your credit card company or bank with information about dates you contacted them, assurances they made you, etc… and you WILL be reimbursed by your credit card company or bank. Believe me, I have done it and you can get this _%#@$ back!


  32. You know, I’m sure that photo is not really the person who is behind all of this. Penbrook productions probably just snatched a photo online somewhere and named it “Angela.” Wouldn’t it be cool to find the photo and its original source? That’s your mission, should you choose to accept it. Any takers?

  33. It seemed top good to be true, so I did my research and found this site. Thanks for confirming my suspicions. Angela Penbrooke is smoking-hot in that picture though! Feel free to give me her email address to see if she takes “me” up on a once-in-a lifetime offer!

  34. hay everyone its loretta again I got my money back so my advice call your creditcard company and have them call on three way because if they dont give it back its called steeling and the credit card company will go after them hope and prayers go out to all of you

  35. I almost fell for this. I’m glad I googled it and found this site. I’m sorry that some of you were taken but am glad that y’all decided to share your experiences. Thank you very much for all of the info.

  36. I too was scammed. Needed extra money to pay hospital bills, thought this would be a way to make extra cash.
    I feel so stupid. Tried to earn extra cash but instead lost $197 that could have gone to pay hospital bills.
    Moral: Trust no one

  37. This is for Carl that left a message on 4/9/08. Your last line in your message was: You are free to write me as well. I can tell you about a REAL way to make extra money from home. That is if you can stand real money from home.

    I am interested I can’t find anything worth doing that has the possibility for a good income that doesn’t require more hours than the job I have now.

    I would like to hear from you.
    I hope to hear from you soon.

  38. After reading about this seemingly great opportunity, I googled her name first and saw the VAST negative feedback. I went back to the job website………..where the price was “just ready to jump to $500 from $197″……and go a phone #. I called the number “askng from my refund” to be credited to my credit card. The woman on the phone told me she had the card # in front of her and would do immediately. Of course she didn’t – and I never purchased anything………….The FEDS and IRS need to on this woman. She’s making tons of money from people’s emotional and financial situations.

  39. P.S. joseph ashford phone number or atleast the number he gave me is 1949-706-3183 my advice hassel them till you get on there nerves and they pay you double just to stop calling them

  40. hi its loretta fisher again so I have been calling almost every day yesterday I called 4/14/08 and I went off I told them that they have all of my information just give me my money back I made sure they knew I was mad the guy said that it will be back in my accountin seven to ten business days I told him he was full of bulls@#$ and I want my money he put me on hold and another guy named joseph ashford came on the phone he said that he couldent find my information when I started to get upset again he maracoulously found it but was having trouble with his computer so he said he would call back today he never did so I called them they said they cant find my info so I called my credit card company I told them that this was a unauthorised purchase on my card so they called the penbrook foundation and the lady that we spoke to said my mony would be returned today she dident even ask for any info she sounded so scared OH and on my credit card statement it came up as a resort downpayment or something so hopefuly I get my money back hopefuly we all get our money back my prayers go out to all who were scamed FIGHT FOR WHATS YOURS because no one else will if you wont


  42. Wow, Tammy, sorry to hear about that. Did you read all the comments above? Some victims have been successful in getting a refund by getting their credit card issuer involved. Skip the B.S. company and “managers” at Penbrook. Go straight to where it hurts–the bank. If enough people complain to their card companies, the banks will put Penbrook out of business.

  43. I don’t really know where to begin. I have Lupus and am not able to keep a public job. So I thought I would search for a job that I could do from home. Prior to beginning my search I logged into our local news station and was looking thru their job listing when I found Angela Penbrook. What a MISTAKE. I really didn’t research it because I was so desperate. My husband nor myself were working, due to the slow in construction, we have three kids and this was our last resort. So with our last 197.00 of our tax refund money we bought the program. I never received rebates to process, I listed hundreds of ads for clickbank, filed out the forms for being a secret shopper, NOTHING! So I called to request a refund for my money back on March 1st, 2008. They informed me that it would take no longer that 7 – 10 business days. I waited till March 17th and called back because nothing had been refunded to my card. This time they sent me a confirmation email stating that they would refund my money and that it would take no longer that 5- 7 days. I waited till 8 days and called back this time I was informed that they were experiencing computer problems and that they would force it back onto my card and that this would take no longer than 3-5 days, So again I waited 5 days, called back was told that the computers were working now ant that I would have to wait ANOTHER 3-5 days. Still NO REFUND! At this point I am boiling mad because, I am having to borrow money from my 76 year old father to feed my family when all they had to do was refund me the money they got not 10 minutes after I sent them the credit card information. I call back and talked to a different manager and he swore to me that I will have my money back by April the 14th. NOTHING ! To put the icing on the cake, today I called to speak to a manager and they asked me for my information so I gave them the information after she pulled up my account she told me ” THANK YOU HAVE A GOOD DAY, GOODBYE” and HUNG UP ON ME. SO I called and told them not to hang up on me that I really needed this money I expected it today that I was not waiting ANY LONGER and they told me sorry it will be investigated by there head managers and was hung up on again. I have sent emails on top of email, I don’t know what else to do. I do know one thing they WILL get tired of hearing from me because I will call EVERYDAY! T anyone out there thinking about purchasing this program Please do not buy into this. Angela Penbrook IS A SCAMMER! She has devestated my family please don’t let it happen to yu.


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