An Inside Look at Nigerian Scams, Part 3

At the post office, they would be detected as fakes and the person who cashed them at the bank arrested. I heard the guy in this case was arrested. He tried to make contact with his ‘beloved’ but it was too late. The scammer scrapped his e-mail address, bought a Mercedes and took friends out for drinks to celebrate his success.

An Inside Look at Nigerian Scams, Part 2

After some minutes the cop found the flash drive. He was right after all! He did see the scammer hide a flash drive! And in the joy of triumph the cop lands the scammer a very hard slap on the cheek

An Insider’s View of Nigerian Scams, Part 1

Westerners are making millionaires out of these scammers, some of whom have become bread winners of their family.Just months ago, a friend of mine hit it big, making over 40,000 dollars. Now he is living big and has since moved his family to a better apartment.

Recover Money Lost to Scams with a Refund.

So, you accidentally sent a lot of money out for that “job” that was going to make you a millionaire in just a few weeks time only to immediately regret it. The “job” you bought into most likely consisted of a website or book that insists that you spend money to do some form of … Read more

Rebate Processor Jobs Are Scams!

We signed up at Read our review to see if the hype about this and other “rebate processing” sites is true.

Snoskred on Fake Check Scams and Scambaiting

They say if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. For those of us who want to work from home for family, health or other reasons the available REAL jobs are few and far between. However, there’s plenty of scammers out there who will prey on your situation and take advantage of … Read more