Get Paid to Travel Around the World: 22 Legit Ways

Wouldn’t it be fantastic to get paid to travel?

Imagine the places you can see…

World Travel

the culture you’d experience…

World Travel

the food you’d taste…

Exotic Food

the friends you’d meet…

and the beauty of beaches and other natural or handmade destinations around the world you’d be able to keep in your memories.


If you’ve been stalking travel bloggers forever and wondering how these seemingly ordinary people can travel around the world, this post will answer all your burning questions about this “industry.”

Sure there are various ways you can travel for free, but wouldn’t it be even better to make money while you travel?

Here’s how to get started:

22 Ways to Get Paid to Travel

You’ll likely encounter two main types of jobs:

  • Jobs with travel and accommodation included – You apply to these jobs abroad because it gives you the opportunity to travel without spending a lot upfront. Jobs like ski instructing and cruise ship gigs are perfect examples of these jobs.
  • Odd jobs in the city you plan to travel – Those who rely on real-world skills to go wherever their feet take them, get by through finding seasonal jobs. Bartender gigs or teaching how to speak another language fall under these types of jobs.

Whatever job you end up taking, always make sure that it’s legal, and you can do it legally (that is, don’t get deported or worse, arrested!).

Here are some of the ways you can get paid to travel.

1. Get Paid to Teach

Not a lot of people can do this, but there is always a demand for teachers, regardless of the topic that you plan to teach.

a. Teaching Skiing and other Specialty Sports

Depending on your travel goals, teaching people to ski can get you a job and a place to stay at popular ski resorts in New Zealand, California, Colorado, and other places.

Other similar instructor jobs involve scuba diving, yoga, fitness, surfing, rock climbing, and a whole lot more.

You usually have to get certifications and other requirements to land these jobs, but it is worth it.

b. Teaching English and other languages

Most travelers opt to teach English abroad as it involves a skill they already possess. Plus, depending on the company they work for and the type of equipment they have, they can do it anywhere in the city or country where they are.

The requirements are easy to meet too!

In most cases, you’d only have to be a native speaker to get the job. Some companies require a college degree and a teaching certification (that you can easily obtain online).

Legit companies will pay teachers their airfare and housing on top of a monthly salary with benefits.

There are plenty of resources about teaching languages either online or office-based, but you can start with Dave’s ESL Cafe if you’re serious about going this route.

2. Get Paid Housesitting & Petsitting

Taking care of other people’s houses and pets when they’re away is a real job.

Some people have been housesitting professionally around the world for years. Of course, accommodation is free and as long as you’re not breaking the terms of your contract, you have the freedom to tour locally for extended times.

Want to know more? You can learn more about housesitting in this article.

3. Apply to Cruise Ship Jobs

For people who want a bit of security as they roam around the world, cruise ship jobs are the perfect gateway to living the nomad life.

The best thing about landing a cruise ship job is you get free fare and free room and board while traveling, plus you’ll get a salary.

You’re essentially getting paid to travel, which is the whole point!


Get paid to work on a cruise ship


The jobs vary wildly; from entertaining (singers, dancers, hosts, tour guides, etc.) to day-to-day cruise ship work like housekeeping, cooking, waitressing, bartending, and more.

Work hours are long in cruise ships, but it gives you a chance to see the world, one port of call at a time.

Requirements depend on the position you’re applying for, but at the very least, you’ll have to know how to swim and be physically, emotionally, and mentally able to stand months at sea.

Start by checking out jobs on All Cruise Jobs, Cruise Jobs Guide, or if you can find something you’d be interested in.

4. Explore Hospitality Jobs

Working in a hotel or hostel as a front desk officer, housekeeper, cook/chef, bartender, waitress, etc. can certainly pay off, especially if you do your job in many different places around the world.

You’ll have a better chance of getting these jobs if you apply in hotels that are in areas with plenty of tourists all year round.

This is one of the most straightforward ways to meet locals and actually experience their culture, as well as speak to tourists and learn travel tips and destinations.

This route can be hard because it involves back-breaking, labor-intensive work, but this can be fulfilling for the right kind of traveler.

5. Become a Farmhand

This is one job where you’ll need to be strong and have plenty of stamina.

Becoming a farmhand is no easy endeavor, but if you’re strong and have plenty of stamina, it’s a good way to earn while you’re traveling.

If you’re looking for something that gives you time to explore, why not check out WWOOF (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms)?

They offer opportunities to work on organic farms throughout the world.

You’d work for a set number of hours a day (around 4 to 6 hours) and you get room and board in exchange. That leaves you plenty of time to go exploring.

6. Be an Au Pair

If you’re an unmarried young adult with no children but are good with them, working as an au pair in another country is a good way to earn money while traveling.

An au pair is an individual who travels to a foreign country for a definite period of time, usually a year, to support a family through childcare and housework in exchange for room and board, as well as a salary.

The main purpose is a cultural exchange; you get to learn about a foreign land and possibly a new language, while your host family gets childcare, housework, and learns your language and your culture.

The benefits of being an au pair are triple: you get to live in a foreign country, you get free room and board, and you get paid a salary!

There are horror stories behind jobs like this, so it’s usually a good idea to use a trusted agency like GoAuPair.comAuPair.ComAuPairWorld, or Great AuPair.

7. Work on a Yacht

Working on a yacht is much different from working on a cruise ship. You’ll need to wear many more hats and be a team player as well.

Finding yachts to work on is made much easier by using The Crew Network, a site designed to match up crew looking for work and boat owners looking for crew.

Even if you don’t have experience working on a yacht or any kind of boat, you can still apply to entry-level yacht jobs, such as deckhands or stewardesses. Of course, you can also apply as a chef or an engineer if that’s your professional experience.

While you will get to work in and visit many new and exciting places, be aware that you won’t be in control of your destinations.

8. Alternative Travel Jobs

If you’ve never been comfortable with 8-to-5 jobs, alternative jobs would probably work better for you.

These jobs are often under-the-table, so don’t expect overtime salaries, benefits, and all that jazz.

But you’ll be able to get paid to travel and support your adventures day in, day out by:

  • joining a group of fire dancers,
  • drawing/painting people’s portraits,
  • becoming a camp counselor,
  • singing or playing music for the quirky bar,
  • helping local farmers,
  • …or doing other cool jobs.

There’s not much security in these kinds of jobs, but it gives the most freedom to earn from various tasks each day.

9. Get Paid to Travel while Doing your Old Job

There’s a term for a growing number of people who sold everything they owned, packed a bag, and traveled to Bali or somewhere exotic.

The only thing they kept from their old life is their jobs.

Called “digital nomads,” these groups of people work from their computers. Their location is irrelevant, as long as there is access to the internet.

If you’re lucky and your current company offers to turn your office job into a remote position, then you can adapt to the digital nomad lifestyle easily.

For those who can’t continue doing their old jobs, there is a wide range of jobs available for you to do.

10. Earn from Travel Photography

If you have an eye for travel photography, you can sell your images to the right people.

Matthew Karsten of sells images from his travels to National Geographic, tourism departments of various countries, magazines, tour companies, book publishers, and more. He even teaches fellow “vagabonds” how to earn money with travel photography.

11. Get Paid to Travel with Freelance Writing

Those who have a flair for words can earn money while traveling through freelance writing. Magazines like The Travel Channel often hire third-party writers to share their stories with their readers.

Since traveling could be your forte by now, travel writing often comes out naturally.

However, you don’t necessarily have to write about travel. You can earn as a freelance writer even if you talk about finance, IT, or even product reviews.

Freelance writers earn somewhere between 1 cent to $1 per word, depending on their skills, experience, popularity, and the company they’re working for.

Interested? Here are 153 other writing jobs you can check out.

12. Work as a Travel Nurse

Travel nurses work temporary, short-term assignments (as short as 18 weeks up to 6 months) at hospitals or other healthcare facilities to fill positions when there is an unusually high demand for nurses in a certain location.

You’d need the same educational level and licenses that traditional registered nurses and nurse practitioners who work in hospitals and clinics, with the added requirement of being willing and able to travel and relocate.

Travel nurses usually find employment in other states and sometimes other countries by signing up with a travel nurse staffing agency. Some reputable ones include American Mobile, Onward Healthcare, and Aya Healthcare.

13. Move Cars

If your idea of traveling is driving cross-country, perhaps working to deliver cars from one point to another may appeal to you.

Customers may hire drivers to drive their cars home from a vacation while they get home through other means of transportation. Still others may want their vehicles driven home when they move to another state.

14. Haul Boats

For much the same reasons as customers want drivers to move their cars, some (probably more affluent) customers may want to hire people to move their boats; either they’re moving or going home after a vacation.

They may either hire people to haul their boats by loading them onto a trailer and driving them, or they might be willing to hire a sailor to drive the boat.

This type of job isn’t very much in demand, but this might be a good supplemental income if you like driving.

15. Rent Your House

If you own your house and don’t want to sell it when you travel so that you’ll still have a “home base,” you can make money off it by renting out your house through Airbnb, other similar apps, or through a property management company.

This way, you can earn side cash from a property that will sit idle otherwise, and you’ll have a safety net in case you have trouble getting a steady income while traveling or you decide you want to come back home.

You might think it’s better to rent out to people you know, but there are pros and cons to renting out to friends versus strangers, so learn them before you finalize your plan.

How to Earn Money from a Travel Blog

I’m now going to talk about how travel bloggers earn money that could sustain their adventures.

Before we begin, you have to understand that it takes a lot of hard work, no-income months, and budget traveling for travel bloggers to be able to live the life they project on their social media.

Some bloggers even use up their entire life savings or sell everything they own just to be able to travel the first several months from their own pockets.

Simply put, the success of travel bloggers doesn’t happen overnight.

And they all got their start by following quality Internet Marketing training.

16. Google Adsense and other premium ad networks

Anyone can join Google’s advertising platform, as long as the website has been live for at least six months and meet other requirements.

Once you join AdSense, you can start placing special code on your blog, which then displays ads that are relevant to the content of your site.

You earn cents per view. It doesn’t sound much, but if your blog is visited by thousands of people every day, those cents can add up pretty quickly.

When your audience grows bigger, you can apply to other ad networks that have better rates. MediaVine or AdThrive, for example, are known to pay higher rates than AdSense but require your blog to have a minimum number of visits monthly.

17. Affiliate Marketing

With affiliate marketing, you mention products and services on your blog, add a link going to a third-party store like Amazon and that sells these products, and receive a commission from a sale if someone clicks on your link and buys anything from that store.

The more affiliate links you post on your blog, the higher chances of receiving bigger commissions.

Be wary of doing it too much (especially if the products are no longer relevant to your brand). Too much advertising is generally frowned upon by readers/viewers.

Instead, only recommend products that you actually use. For example, a new camera or phone that you use for recording your videos, travel gear given to you by a friend, books you just read, and so on.

Aside from third-party stores, you can also check out dedicated affiliate networks like Commission Junction that organizes affiliates from multiple brands.

Popular travel blogs with over 500,000 monthly page views earn $10 to $15k per month.

18. Brand Partnerships

Many bloggers say you’ve made it big when companies begin noticing you, your blog or social media accounts, and the network of audience you’ve built.

Their goal is to establish a partnership with you.

These companies will pay to advertise on your platform. This could mean a blog post, tweet, mention on newsletters, Instagram feature, and so on.

The cool thing about sponsorships is that the income potential is endless.

From several hundreds of dollars for a post on Facebook to over $15,000 for an ad package or long-form post, the deals depend largely on the company you’re talking to and your bragging rights (how popular is your blog, how much audience do you have, etc).

A note about sponsorships/partnerships: Make sure to always include a disclaimer whenever you post a sponsored video, article, photo, and so on. This way, you remain honest with your audience and maintain their loyalties.

Take a look at our BIG list of brands looking for influencers to partner with.

19. Long-term Ambassadorships

If you get paid to travel as a brand ambassador, you’re living the dream many bloggers aspire to achieve.

When you become a brand ambassador, you’ll be featured in that brand’s commercials, social media marketing, and other activities of the brand.

Think about how successful athletes become icons for Nike, or famous actresses become spokespersons for CoverGirl, and so on.

Brand ambassadorships are longer than a typical sponsorship and include more than one promotion.

What’s great about these deals is that more often than not, the brand pays more or less $10,000 per project. And the greater reach you have, the higher rate you can ask.

20. Tourism Marketing

The viral potential of blog posts or videos is unquestionable, and tourism departments of many countries are catching up to online advertising.

If you’re in the rockstar levels of travel blogging, you’ll be invited to visit a country (usually with flights, accommodation, and tours paid) on top of a project fee. This fee can go as high as $20,000, depending on the type of promotion included in the campaign.

Tourism boards, tour companies, and local brands and industries are other groups willing to sponsor trips and travel expenses of travel bloggers to promote their regions and products.

21. Get Paid to Travel with Social Media

Even if you don’t maintain a travel photography website or travel blog, you can still get paid to travel with social media. You have several options, including:

Facebook – Nas Daily, a traveler who tries to inspire people with 1-minute video snippets of his travel around the world, uses Facebook indirectly to make money traveling.

Capitalizing on his fame from making 1,000 one-minute videos in 1,000 days, his page currently has 20 million followers on FB, which helps him earn from his merch and land video editing jobs, consulting gigs, speaking engagements, and other opportunities.

His current endeavor is Nas Academy, which aims to present engaging courses targeted to content creators.

Instagram – Travel bloggers on Instagram produce some of the best-looking travel photography today. Just a quick look at the best Instagram travel bloggers gives you an idea of how talented they are.

These Instagram stars earn money through sponsorships (mostly in the travel industry) and brand placement.

22. Become a Local Tour Guide

Being a local tour guide isn’t as hard as you think.

Sure there are plenty of agencies you can join, but there are usually no set laws surrounding this job.

If you have a solid knowledge of the area, plenty of stories, anecdotes, and trivia, and a good sense of humor, this is probably a good fit for you.

Plus, you can use your travel blog to promote your tour guide services and vice versa.

And don’t underestimate how much content you can mine from your tour guide sessions. You can write about your clients (don’t name them if you don’t have their permission) or something interesting or new you’ve learned.

You CAN Get Paid to Travel!

Getting paid to travel is the dream, really.

Just remember: it’s a combination of a ton of hard work and a little bit of luck.

Your best bet is to find jobs that take you around the world and then create a blog about your adventures.

Once you have a big enough following, that’s when the magic starts to happen.

In the meantime, browse my list of work-at-home jobs. These are jobs you can do anywhere in the world.

Which job or option looks most attractive to you? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

11 Common Work at Home Scams (And How To Spot Them)

Anyone who has tried to find a job online has no doubt come across hundreds of work-at-home scams.

Does this crap look familiar?

Typical work at home scam

You’ve probably seen similar headlines at some point in your search for work-from-home jobs.

Easy money, little pay, no experience, millions of dollars.

Sure, it sounds great. But it’s actually just an attempt to rob you of your cash.

Today, we explore work-at-home scams that are just waiting to trap you and we’ll give you some tips on how to spot a scam so you can avoid them.

How Do Work at Home Scam Artists Operate?

Here’s how the typical scam works.

Scammers either post a work-at-home job opportunity or cold contact people through emails or phone calls from illegally obtained contact lists to offer these job opportunities.

When you look at these job posts, they may seem like any other ordinary job post.

But when you answer these ads, take their cold call, or click a link in their unsolicited email, they’ll try to trick you into paying for something that’s free, making regular payments without getting anything in return, handing over your financial and personal details so they can drain your bank accounts and rack up charges on your credit card, or clicking a link that leads to a malicious site that steals your information for them to use or sell.

However they do it, the ultimate goal is to steal as much money from you as they possibly can.

How To Spot Work At Home Scams

Victims of scams should never be blamed for being scammed.

But we can avoid being victims ourselves by being more vigilant and scrutinizing opportunities instead of taking them at face value.

Here are some things to watch out for when you’re considering a work at home opportunity.

The job offer seems too good to be true.

Sometimes, your gut instinct will be enough to set off alarm bells.

If it feels like a scam, it probably is.

For instance, you may see ads for jobs that pay hundreds or thousands of dollars a month to do very little work, such as placing flyers inside envelopes.

No legitimate company will do that. It just doesn’t happen.

You have to pay to work.

Some legitimate job boards do charge membership fees for you to start applying to companies that have listings with them.

What I’m referring to is different, though.

When a company you’d be working for directly needs you to pay some amount upfront by giving them your credit card information before you can start working, that’s not a good sign.

Employers are supposed to pay you, not the other way around.

There’s little information about the company or it doesn’t seem to exist.

Legitimate companies nowadays have an online presence. Even small businesses know that you have to have at least a website to harness online marketing.

So if you do a simple Google search for the company who posted the job or who contacted you, and you can’t find a website or a social media page, that is a huge red flag.

If you do find a website, but it has very little information on what they do, who the employees are, or even where their headquarters are, it’s a pretty good sign that they’re running a work-at-home scam.

Negative reviews exist on the internet.

Other people who have experienced work at home scams from a company will probably post their experiences on the internet to warn others.

When you research the company, you’ll probably find these negative reviews. Read through them carefully to know if applying or taking the job is a waste of time.

The contact information doesn’t feel right.

You can actually look up the number you’re given to call or where you receive phone calls from on online services such as ShouldIAnswer and check whether they’re listed to the company.

If they say they’re based in California but you see that the number they’re calling from is a mobile number or it’s not a California phone number, that’s a big sign that they’re scamming you.

Similarly, if you receive emails from generic email addresses that end in gmail[dot]com, hotmail[dot]com, yahoo[dot]com, or aol[dot]com, it’s a likely scam.

Their communication skills are poor.

Emails from legitimate companies are generally well-composed, with a professional tone, very few (if any) typos, proper grammar, and correct punctuation.

If you receive emails that have plenty of misspelled words, weird grammar, punctuation not properly placed (for instance, spaces before periods and commas, semi-colons where they’re not supposed to be, etc.), it’s quite possible this is a scam.

11 Most Common Work at Home Scams Today

1. MLMs That Are Actually Pyramid Schemes

Multi-level marketing (MLM) businesses aren’t all scams.

Companies like Amway, Avon, and Herbalife are all legitimate MLM businesses.

However, MLM businesses that become pyramid schemes are one of the oldest work from home scams you can find online.

If the MLM company earns mostly from sold products or services, it can be a legit MLM company.

This doesn’t matter if the products being sold seem useless, are questionably priced, or if the company engages in deceptive sales practices.

MLM companies become a pyramid scam if the revenue stream comes from membership fees of new members/sellers.

Even legitimate MLM companies will give you a bonus when you recruit new members. However, if it seems like the company’s earnings are only coming from recruiting other people, you’re in trouble.

Pyramid schemes are those that push you to recruit more people into the company instead of emphasizing the benefits of their products and training you on how to sell them.

2. Link Posting Jobs

Link posting isn’t a real job, but scammers would like job seekers to believe that it is.

Link posting used to be part of a comprehensive internet marketing plan.

In the world of SEO and IM, backlinking used to help bring one website higher in the search engine results.

In theory, when multiple links of the same URL are posted across a wide range of sites, Google and other search engines would deem that website most relevant to a particular search term.

Another way scammers define link posting is as a tool for affiliate marketing.

With affiliate marketing, you post links to products in hopes of getting a commission whenever a buyer clicks on that link.

It’s a totally legitimate business model and the commissions are real.

However, the way link posting “companies” guarantee payment (when it is impossible to do so), or compute compensation (when you have no control of what links other people would click or not click) are bogus.

Worse, link posting “companies” charge unsuspecting job seekers for “training,” which almost always turns out to be outdated training in affiliate marketing or link building.

Some companies are relentless, though; once they get your email and phone number, they’ll spam you, hoping to get you to pay even more for higher-level training and squeezing even more money from you.

3. Fake Job Agencies

This one can have so many variations, such as agencies for government, military, or nursing jobs.

What they all have in common is that you’ll get contacted by an “agency” or a “recruiter” telling you you’re eligible for a job.

The “agency” then asks you to pay a fee supposedly for admin fees, registration fees, or a guarantee to actually land a position.

Moreover, they’ll ask you to fill out an agency form with all details a reputable agency might ask for, including your financial and personal information, even your social security number. They’ll also ask for a copy of your ID and qualifications.

Once they have that information, they can empty out your bank account, apply for loans and credit cards in your name, and sell your information when they’re done with you.

While looking for work from home jobs seem overwhelming (the web is a massive place), know that you can apply for an online job, get interviewed and hired without paying a cent.

Also, make sure you’re talking to a job agency or recruiter that is legitimate. When in doubt, ask to meet them in person.

Lastly, never respond to unsolicited calls or emails from a job agency you never applied to.

4. Check Cashing Scams

No legitimate company will ever ask you to accept payments on their behalf. End of story.

I bet you received a version of the Nigerian check-cashing scheme via e-mail in the last 10 years.

Or maybe you’ve heard of or received an offer for what turned out to be a car wrap scam.

If so, check-cashing jobs would be very familiar to you.

“Check-cashing scam” is a wide-ranging label and has a ton of variations, but they work the same way. In its oldest form, the scammer pays the victim a bad check.

This is how work from home scams through check-cashing actually work:

  • Jobseekers are sent the checks that will be used to pay for a product or service.
  • Victims are instructed to deposit the check into their own banks, keep a portion of the “money” and send back the change via wire transfer to the scammers. The check will bounce after it has been deposited because it’s fake.
  • Victims not only lose the money that they sent via wire transfer but also have to repay the bank once the check bounces.

Be very afraid of this scam.

It can actually land you in jail.

5. Package Forwarding or Reshipping Job Scams

Here’s another work from home scam that may actually make the job seekers who fall for them become convicted felons.

It has many names: package forwarding, reshipping, package processing, and postal forwarding. The scam is presented as a job offer and is usually done around the Christmas season as there are plenty of packages being sent during this time.

Those willing to do the “job” receive packages, which they will repackage and then send to another location (usually a foreign country).

Okay, doesn’t sound too bad, does it?


  • Victims pay shipping charges out of their own pockets.
  • Scammers pay victims with a fake check with a huge amount as reimbursement for the shipping fee and compensation for a job well done.
  • Once the paycheck bounces, they must repay the bank (or face fraud charges).
  • On top of it all, the products have been bought and paid for using stolen credit cards.

Basically, you’ve accepted goods purchased with a stolen credit card and identity, and then you shipped them overseas to an anonymous scammer.

Victims of these work from home scams can be criminally liable, especially if they forwarded packages abroad and lied on U.S. Customs Service forms.

6. Social Media Job Scams

The premise of social media job scams is simple:

Anyone with a phone who could spend x amount of time posting, liking, or commenting on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or any other social media platform can make $300, $500, $900 per day online.

Here’s the catch: you have to sign up for a scam company’s “system” or “program” that comes with a monthly fee to be able to start earning.

7. Handicraft Work Scams

Handicraft work scams have been around for years but continue to victimize people from around the world. Here’s how it works:

  • Scammers advertise their need for workers to create crafts, assemble items, and produce other materials by hand.
  • Scammers promise to pay per piece, as long as the final product is of quality made from top-notch sewing machines or other equipment.
  • The catch: “workers” have to buy equipment and materials from the scammers. In most cases, the scammers close up shop after you’ve bought the materials and equipment, never to be heard from again.
  • In other similar schemes, the scammers continue to fool the victims by letting them work on the orders only to reject them for “low quality.”

8. Self-Publishing Scams

The self-publishing industry blew up when Amazon encouraged everyone to write and sell a book on its platform.

Now, the self-publishing industry isn’t exclusive to Amazon. There are plenty of self-publishing services and indie publishing houses to choose from.

However, you might stumble upon fake “indie publishing houses” that target aspiring authors hoping to get published.

These scammers may charge unnecessary fees. For instance, they might charge reading fees, which aren’t charged by legitimate publishers.

Scam publishing houses may also hide their scams in the fine print in your contract.

For instance, require authors to sell a certain number of books within a certain time period, or else authors are then required to pay back the book production costs. This is not standard practice for publishing houses.

Or they may bury a statement or a clause in your contract that you sign away your rights to your own book.

Know that there are legitimate publishing houses that can help independent authors, and you should always do your research before signing up with a publishing house.

Check out AbsoluteWrite and find if a self-publishing company you’re looking at is a respectable company.

Or go through this list of legitimate self-publishing companies first.

9. Data Entry Scams (and other Jobs with Easy Tasks for Huge Gains)

Data entry job scams are so appealing to job seekers because it involves very simple tasks in exchange for big paychecks.

The fact is: data entry is real, but the job doesn’t pay even half as much as what these scammers promise.

In some cases, scammers sell their victims a one-of-a-kind data entry software for thousands of dollars.

Job seekers who desperately want to work from home eventually take the bait, and find out there are no jobs after all.

Data entry job scams work very similarly to other work from home scams like mystery shopping, medical billing, e-mail forwarding, and so on.

The common element of these scams is the selling of a dream lifestyle. Most claim you can do the job anywhere (even on the beach) and earn either thousands of dollars or a passive income while doing so.

The saying, “if it’s too good to be true, then it probably is” holds true with these types of work-from-home scams.

10. Investment scams

Everyone knows there is money to be made online, but dealing with scrupulous people or groups will definitely shatter your dreams. Below are a few samples of work from home scams that involve some sort of investment:


Investors are duped into paying for a package that includes a website, hosting/domain, and maintenance for manning the online store.

The promise is a fully functional website with investors taking home a percentage of the transaction after every sale.

Unfortunately, no sales ever happen and the scammer never really did intend to maintain your ecommerce business.


There have been plenty of cryptocurrency scams cropping up because the terminologies used are not for the ordinary person.

You’d have to be well-versed not only in finance but also in technology just so you can understand what cryptocurrency is all about.

While there are legitimate cryptocurrencies around, the scams are bigger in numbers. I’ve talked about this more comprehensively here if you’re interested in investing your hard-earned money in cryptocurrency.

11. Envelope Stuffing Scams

This work-at-home scam has been around for years, yet people still fall or it.

Scammers post ads for workers who are interested in stuffing envelopes and earning a living from it.

People who respond to the ad are asked to pay a small fee (around $15 to $40) for a start-up kit or simply as a processing fee or a “good faith” fee. You’ll also be asked to send in a self-addressed stamped envelope.

Once you send the payment, you’ll receive a starter kit that simply contains even more flyers for you to stuff into envelopes in. Chances are it’s the same flyer that alerted you to this job.

The starter kit often doesn’t even contain envelopes, in which case you’ll have to spring for the envelopes yourself.

Even if there’s a money-back guarantee offered, you’d have to fill an absurd number of envelopes before they even consider giving you your money back.

Don’t Fall For Work at Home Scams!

As long as people are looking for jobs where they can work from home, the will be scammers who will take advantage and will try to milk money from as many people as they can.

Hopefully, the information in this post will help you not to fall for these scams so you can find actual, legitimate work-from-home opportunities that are worth your time.

Wondering where to start?

Start with trusted resources such as FlexJobs,, Working Solutions, and Rat Race Rebellion.

Or begin going through our list of legitimate work from home jobs

Have you ever been the target or the victim of a work at home scam? How did you deal with it? Share your story with us in the comments!

Work at Home Nursing Jobs: 30 Companies Currently Hiring

As a nurse, working remotely may sound like a pipe dream, but because technology is constantly improving and working virtually is increasingly being accepted in the healthcare field, more and more work at home nursing jobs are now available.

Nursing is a particularly stressful career. From pre-nursing courses to nursing school to taking the national exams, the beginning of a nursing career is already a hard road.

When they do get to work, they’re exposed to stressful work environments. Their workloads are heavier because of more patients coming in and not enough nurses being hired to handle all of them.

Another factor that adds to their stress is the risk of patient-handling injuries, such as neck or back strain from lifting and moving a patient.

Yet another important factor is the emotional strain of connecting to patients and their families. Resources need to be provided to give them the tools they need to cope with this mental and emotional burden, but because of understaffing, these resources may come up short.

Given all of these, it’s challenging to perform their role as a care provider to enhance a patient’s quality of life, partner with doctors and other healthcare professionals to carry out the best plan of care, and advocate for patients’ rights, health, and overall wellness.

The availability of work at home nursing jobs may be the key to solving the problem of stressful work environments and allow nurses to do their best work.

Today, I’ve rounded up X different types of nursing jobs you can do from home and XX different companies that are hiring to fill these positions.

7 Types of Work at Home Nursing Jobs

Luckily, there are now several types of nursing jobs you can do remotely where you can put your nursing degree and your spirit of caregiving to good use while avoiding a stressful work environment.

Compared to traditional hospital work, these jobs are physically less demanding and can be performed at home or anywhere in the world.

Here are some of them.

1. Case Manager

This is one of the most popular options for nurses who want to work from home.

Case managers provide personalized evaluation and treatment plans to patients. They coordinate with multiple specialists to identify resources and services best suited to patients.

They mostly work with patients who have chronic health conditions and require constant monitoring and follow-up. Thus, traditionally, hospice and home care centers employ nurse case managers.

However, most of the coordination part of the job can be done through phone calls, video calls, and email, allowing nurse case managers to do this remotely.

  • REQUIREMENTS: Case managers should have an RN license and at least 3 years of nursing experience in a clinical setting and disability management.
  • SALARY: The average starting salary of RN case managers is around $66,300 a year as of April 2021 (Source). Many of these work from home nursing jobs also have benefits added to their compensation packages.

2. Telehealth Triage Registered Nurse

Telehealth is increasingly becoming popular. This is when healthcare professionals use remote video teleconferencing or audio software over the internet to provide medical care virtually.

As a telehealth triage RN, your role is to take inbound video or audio calls from patients, assess their symptoms and the urgency of those symptoms, and direct them to the right place for them to get treatment; whether they need to go to the emergency room now or schedule a non-urgent telemedicine consult with a specialist.

  • REQUIREMENTS: At least an associate’s degree in nursing is required, plus real-life nursing experience and clinical documentation.
  • SALARY: As you’ll soon discover with the jobs below, telehealth careers offer competitive rates. And unlike other online jobs, nursing jobs from home even include benefits.

3. Legal Nurse Consultant

As a consultant for attorneys, paralegals, police, and other people working in the legal profession, these nurses lend their medical expertise in relation to common legal issues, such as medical malpractice, worker’s compensation, personal injury, and so on.

Legal nurse consultants are usually hired by insurance companies, law firms, or as in-house expert at a hospital.

You’ll need certifications for both your nursing and legal experience to be considered for the job.

  • REQUIREMENTS: You’d need to be an RN with a solid clinical nursing background.
  • SALARY: The average starting salary of legal nurse consultants is around $73,700 a year as of September 2020 (Source)

4. Utilization Review Nurse

Utilization review is one of the least understood yet one of the most essential departments in managing the cost of health care.

Utilization review nurses ensure that health care services and procedures are being used appropriately.

Their responsibilities include performing frequent case reviews, checking medical records, and coordinating with patients and health care providers to plan treatment. They make recommendations regarding the appropriateness of care for a patient’s diagnosis.

Further, they assist in determining whether a treatment meets the criteria for reimbursement by their insurance plan.

  • REQUIREMENTS: You’d need to be an RN with at least 2 years of general nursing experience in medical-surgical nursing.
  • SALARY: The average starting salary of utilization review nurses is around $65,400 a year as of August 2020 (Source)

5. Medical Transcriptionist

medical transcription jobs

The job of medical transcriptionists involve transcribing medical reports, documents and other materials of doctors and other healthcare professionals.

This field is expected to grow in the coming years due to an aging population, so the future of medical transcription looks promising especially for those with certifications.

  • REQUIREMENTS: Experience in a traditional healthcare facility with physicians makes this job particularly easier, but it isn’t a requirement. If you’re familiar with medical terms, transcribing in this industry is possible.
  • SALARY: Payment for home-based medical transcriptionists vary, depending on the company you work for, your skill level, and how much work is available. Expect somewhere between $15 and $25 an hour if paid by the hour. Sometimes, transcription work is paid by the number of lines transcribed.

Read my full guide on medical transcription jobs if this is an avenue you are interested in pursuing.

6. Medical Writer

Medical writing is a work at home nursing job that requires extensive knowledge of medical terminology and procedures as well as excellent writing skills.

Medical writers are usually tasked with writing print or digital materials that are used by everyone from medical professionals to the general public. Examples include promotional materials, journal articles, press releases, blog posts, medical product inserts, and other similar documents.

  • REQUIREMENTS: At least a bachelor’s degree in nursing is required. Writing experience is highly desired but usually not required.
  • SALARY: The average starting salary of medical writers is around $70,100 a year as of April 2021 (Source)

7. Medical Billing

Medical billers manage the billing of patients and insurance companies for services provided by a physician.

You’ll be responsible for sending in claims to insurance companies, filing appeals, handling denials, and much more. The job does involve financial and medical terminologies. A medical biller must be familiar with medical coding and the intricacies of health insurance.

  • REQUIREMENTS: At least an associate’s degree in nursing is required. Proficiency in financial writing and terms is highly desired.
  • SALARY: The average starting salary of medical billers is around $34,600 a year as of April 2021 (Source)

Be sure to check out my full guide on how to become a medical biller.

30 Companies Hiring for Work from Home Nursing Jobs

If you’re looking for a nursing job you can do from home, one of the following companies should be able to help.

They all offer different opportunities. Be sure to click through and see what’s available and what best suits your skills and interests.

1. FlexJobs

Anytime you search for work from home jobs, I recommend starting at FlexJobs.

FlexJobs is a huge job database with high-quality remote and flexible jobs, with every employer carefully vetted to help searchers find only the best jobs.

2. 83Bar

This Austin, Texas-based company hires RNs and other medical specialists to match people with their healthcare needs and set them up with appointments to appropriate specialists.

You’d have to have a PC and landline so you can call people.

3. Aetna (now part of CVS Health)

Providing work from home RN jobs, this healthcare and life insurance company has regular, telecommute positions available for residents of the US.

Search for home-based work by click “Yes” on the telecommute filter on the CVS Health job board.

4. Abbott

This company sells medical diagnostic products, medical devices, nutritionals, and medicine. They’re currently hiring registered nurses for a variety of remote positions. Filter the jobs by location and the phrase “remote” on the job search page.

5. Change Healthcare

Change Healthcare provides comprehensive software and services for healthcare payers and providers. There are currently vacancies for case managers, utilization reviewers, and other work at home nursing jobs.

6. Anthem

Anthem is a health benefits company serving more than 107 million people. The current remote positions available for RNs include clinical review nurses, nurse reviewers, nurse case managers, and many other positions.

7. CCC Information Services

CCC Information Services is a software solutions provider for auto insurers, manufacturers, collision repairers, and other automotive-related industries.

They’re continually looking for RN case managers who will review and analyze the medical necessity of treatment and testing of injuries resulting from automobile accidents.

8. Aviacode

Aviacode is one of the largest medical coding companies in the US, working with some of the largest health systems in the country.

They do prefer Certified Professional Coders (CPCs), whose certifications are issued by the AAPC, so aside from your nursing degree and nursing license, you have to invest a bit. In exchange, though, medical coders working full time for Aviacode are eligible for benefits.

9. BroadPath Healthcare Solutions

There are plenty of nursing jobs from home available at this company.

If you’re a registered nurse in your home state with solid nursing experience in a clinical setting and a valid license, you can work as a customer service representative or as a claims processor, handling health insurance claims.

Plus points if you’re bilingual (they’re looking for Mandarin and Spanish-speaking agents all the time).

10. Conifer Health Solutions

This healthcare management service company hires nurses for remote case management, patient care coordinator, and medical coding from time to time.

The RNs must be licensed in various states, but are allowed to telecommute or work remotely.

Check the job board with keywords “remote” and “telecommuting.”

11. eQHealth Solutions

Those with extensive experience with community nursing or acute care may have a chance to land the remote Case Manager position at eQHealth Solutions. Other positions available include utilization review nurse, care coordinator, and intake coordinator.

12. FoneMed

This telecommunications health and wellness provider hires US and Canada-based nurses to provide telephone triage and health advice.

13. GeBBS Healthcare Solutions

The work from home nursing jobs offered by this company isn’t posted on their career pages.

However, you’ll find the Surgical Clinical Reviewer position always listed on Indeed or FlexJobs.

14. Healthfirst

This New York-based health insurance company hires home-based case managers regularly.

15. HealthHelp

If you’re a nurse with RN, LVN, or LPN license and at least 2 years of clinical care experience, you can land a work-from-home position as a clinical review nurse or care coordinator with HealthHelp.

16. iMedX

Become a part-time or full-time medical coder or transcriptionist at iMedX.

You have to be a licensed RN who is willing to work at least one weekend day or night on top of your weekday schedule.

Plus, full-timers are given complete benefits packages.

17. Inland Empire Health Plan

This California-based health insurance company hires nurses for case management.

18. Johnson & Johnson

Look for openings like Insulin Pump Trainer and Blood Glucose Manager when checking out the J&J job board.

These work from home nursing jobs rarely open up, but bookmark this in case they do.

19. McKesson

Another big company in the healthcare industry, McKesson offers work from home RN jobs to support its telehealth services.

You have to do a little digging in their job board and use “work from home” under location, but you’ll easily discover if they’re hiring home-based nurses or not.

20. Mercy

RNs with at least 5 years of clinical experience can try their luck at one of Mercy’s work-from-home positions.

The job mostly involves answering healthcare-related concerns of Mercy clients.

21. Nemours

Nemours is a pediatric healthcare network that offers remote patient services representatives from time to time.

22. AdhereHealth

This company connects healthcare providers with patients through their Adhere platform.

Check out their medication adherence technician and medication case manager positions.

23. Remote Medical International

This Seattle-based company occasionally hires nurses and physicians for telemedicine services.

24. Assistance Services Group

Check out the Telehealth division of this company if you’re looking for work-from-home nursing jobs.

25. Amedisys

Click on the ‘Apply Now’ button on their careers page to pull up their search portal.

Type “work from home” in the keyword box to pull up a list of open positions.

Some do require you to travel and visit locations on-site, but there are quite a few strictly remote opportunities in there as well.

26. Amalgamated Medical Care Management

This is a care management company offering jobs to registered nurses and physicians who deliver high-quality compassionate care to their patients.

They currently have openings for work at home nursing jobs like nurse counselors and claims analysts.

27. Centene

Centene provides access to high-quality healthcare solutions to families and individuals.

Case manager, quality practice advisor, and long-term support services are just some of the remote jobs available for registered nurses.

28. HCA Healthcare

HCA Healthcare is a network of hospitals, clinics, and other health care facilities.

They offer various positions in their various locations, but several of them are home-based positions, such as customer support representatives (to schedule appointments), nurse recruiters, clinical research associates, and care managers.

29. Cortex Health

They’re currently hiring registered nurses who can work from home as At-Home Agents and make follow-up calls to recently discharged patients to ask how they’re feeling, document calls, and send them to the patients’ healthcare providers.

30. Total Triage

Total Triage, as their name suggests, provides telephone triage and patient care to various home care and hospice organizations worldwide.

They’re looking for registered nurses that have at least one year of clinical experience, preferably in-home care and hospice nursing, to provide telehealth triage services from home.

Final Thoughts on RN Work From Home Jobs

Nursing is traditionally a high-stress job with erratic work schedule.

Traditionally, the only options for a hospital nurse who wanted a career change are limited to school nurse jobs and home care positions.

Fortunately, the demand for licensed registered nurses operating in healthcare sales, customer service, telehealth, insurance, and other similar fields has increased significantly through the years.

The most striking advantage of working from home is that senior registered nurses can continue using their skills while removing the stress commonly attributed to a clinical setting, such as long hours, high stress, or standing for long hours.

Hopefully, you can find a work-from-home nursing job from one of the companies on our list that is the right fit for you and your skills.

If you want to make a total career change, though, start by checking out this list of legitimate work from home jobs for opportunities that may interest you.

Have you tried to apply to a work-at-home nursing job from one of the companies above or elsewhere that’s not on this list? Share your experiences with us and fellow nurses in the comments!

Best Selling Products on Amazon: What to Sell on Amazon

Whether you’re a new Amazon FBA seller, or a veteran store owner trying to shuffle his/her products, it’s good practice to discover and identify best selling products on Amazon weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually.

Keeping tabs on this data will boost your sales in the short-term, especially in off-peak seasons.

It will also allow you to become more aggressive with your marketing efforts.

Amazon Best Sellers

This guide tackles three things:

  • Product categories that sell best on Amazon all year-round, regardless of season, trends, or occasions
  • Tried and tested ways of finding products that would sell on Amazon
  • Important rules to follow when conducting product research

If you’re just getting started, make sure your read our guide on how to become an Amazon seller.

Current Best Sellers on Amazon

You don’t have to look too far here.

Amazon publishes what’s currently trending in their Movers & Shakers tab.

The list is updated hourly and tells you exactly what has been selling the best over the past 24 hours.

It doesn’t make sense for me to publish a full list here because by the time I hit the publish button, the list will already be outdated.

Amazon Movers and Shakers

Bookmark that page and check it often. The list has completely changed in the time it took me to write this post.

Instead of focusing on what’s current, here are a few ideas on how to find evergreen products that you can sell on Amazon year round.

Keep Tabs on Seasonal Best Sellers

Different products sell better depending on the time of year.

You may want to start a spreadsheet and see what are some of the best selling products on Amazon month-by-month. From there, you can plan for future trends and try and get ahead of the game by focusing on seasonal products right before they start to pull a lot of interest.

Get ahead of the game.

How To Build a Successful Amazon Business?

I’m hosting a totally free webinar that will teach you how to start an Amazon business from scratch and make 5-7 figures per year selling simple high profit, low competition items.

In it, you’ll learn the best way to create a global Amazon empire by selling just a few items at a time.

You’ll also get a unique strategy for finding incredible, high profit, low-competition ‘hidden gem’ products.

=> Reserve your seat right now. It’s free to join!

10 Best Selling Products on Amazon Year-Round

The following product categories sell regularly in the thousands because even if they don’t fall under basic needs (food, water, shelter, clothing, etc.) that are vital for survival, these products have made the lives of people easier or happier.

These categories are immune to the seasonal trends I mentioned above.

1. Baby Gear

Baby clothes, toys, feeding tools, educational items, and other adorable infant-related products aren’t on top of the best selling products on Amazon, but their demand knows no season.

It’s ideal to target parents with first-borns, since they tend to spend more money for their first son or daughter.

2. Pet Supplies

The demand for this product category aren’t surprising at all because pets are family and many “fur parents” consider their pets as their babies.

Kitten in a Bowl

Pet care supplies like grooming tools and shampoo fall under basic needs and will continuously be needed throughout the year.

3. Beauty Products

Many best selling products on Amazon in the healthcare category involve items that help people improve their hair, nails, teeth, and skin.

This niche is huge, which is why it’s best to focus on a specific group of products.

For example: Korean face masks, cucumber skin care products, and so on.

4. Jewelry & Watches

You have two very extreme choices when it comes to selling jewelry or watches on Amazon – either you sell legitimate, expensive and branded ones or go for the cheapest (yet cool-looking) ones you could find.

It depends entirely on your store and vision, but these items are safe bets since people’s go-to gift for loved ones are either watches or jewelry.

5. Kitchenware

Think of the things you use regularly in your own kitchen – rugs, can openers, mugs, knives, food storage, and so on.

Kitchen Utensils

You’d be surprised that these same items are best selling products on Amazon kitchen category simply because other people use them as often as you.

6. Workout Clothes & Underwear

Those who have chosen clothing as their main niche should break down their products to sub-niches like athletic wear, kid’s formal clothing, etc.

But if you want to go for the top-selling products, sell underwear and workout clothes because they’re in-demand all year-round and can be bought cheap and sold at a higher price.

7. Electronic Accessories

Gadgets will forever be a part of modern civilization, so the development of TV, gaming, and phones will continue even beyond 2019. 

The reason why accessories for electronics are one of the best selling products on Amazon is that they come cheap and often serve to extend the lives or improve the quality of smartphones, tablets, TVs, gaming consoles, and other expensive electronics.

8. Books

Even when it sells digital ebooks on the marketplace, Amazon continues to sell traditional books today for a reason: people still buy books religiously.

You can sell used or new books on Amazon.

9. Outdoor Home Goods

Outdoor home items may seem unnecessary in the grand scheme of things, but you’ll think otherwise once you need to replace your rugs, umbrellas, hammock, bins/trash cans, pool floats, and more.

Tour your garage and backyard for items you know would sell on Amazon continuously.

Your product research may just be as near as your own backyard.

10. What’s Tending in Pop Culture

When it comes to product research, pop culture is probably the hardest to category to crack (unless of course you’re deep into all the fandoms available).

Best selling products on Amazon

This niche has a ton of competition, but if you sell products with your own twist to pop culture references (such as popular movie lines etched into a wooden frame), you’d be surprised at how many customers can and do eat this up.

If you’re into “meme culture” and regularly track what’s trending online, you can seriously catch fire here.

There is a bit of a gamble as not every meme will take off, and they will never last as a long-term business strategy, but if you get the right combination of interest and product, you can make A LOT of money very quickly.

Remember silly bands? Fidget spinners? Slap bracelets? (How badly am I dating myself right now?) These things took off unexpectedly and anyone who was on board that train before it left the station definitely came out ahead.

Never latch onto a dying trend either. If everyone is already talking about it, you’re much too late.

3 Ways You Can Find Best Selling Products on Amazon

Now that you know some of the best selling product categories on Amazon, it’s time to get into the nitty gritty details and decide on specific items.

There are several ways to do this:

1. Let Amazon Guide You

Amazon didn’t become the #1 online store with pure luck.

It really has a strong system in place.

If you look closely as you browse Amazon, there will be plenty of upselling opportunities sent your way.

These include the showcase of recommended products under a product description and an entire section of “bestsellers” for that specific category you’re currently in.

Don’t fight these suggestions – instead, let the algorithm guide you to the best selling products on Amazon.

2. Use Tested Sellable Factors

The list above features in-demand product categories, but this sellable factor shouldn’t be the only deciding factor you use.

You’ll also have to consider a product’s wholesale price and shipping cost, as well as Amazon’s seller fees, competition, and other criteria that makes a particular item “sellable.”

When deciding on products to sell on Amazon, consider these key factors:

  • Choose very specific niche products
  • Find items that you could sell for $10 to $50. Make sure you can sell it for twice as much as your buying price.
  • The cost must be 25 to 35 percent of your target selling price
  • The item should be small and lightweight enough to be easily picked up. 2 to 3 lbs is ideal.
  • Everyday-use items (check the list above)
  • If possible, opt for quality when trying beat the competition

3. Spy on Your Competition

When conducting product research, you should check out your competition to gauge their worth, copy their strengths and avoid their mistakes.

  • Avoid products sold by major brands or veteran Amazon sellers
  • Choose similar items that have Amazon’s Best-Seller Rank (BSR) of 5000 or lower
  • Amazon Sponsored Products is an advertising option for sellers. If the items you’re eyeing are being sold by another seller that invests in Amazon Sponsored Products, steer clear and let your competition have it.

Make these 3 methods a part of your product research and you’ll never have to rely on guesswork or bets ever again.

Dos and Don’ts: How to Find Products to Sell on Amazon the Right Way

Creativity and research are equally important in deciding what best selling products on Amazon you’d include in your store.

While the options seem far-reaching and limitless, there are still a couple of rules that all Amazon sellers should follow:

1. Sellable criteria are greater than average sales

Don’t be fooled by the demand of a particular product.

What seems to be a hot-selling product may not produce the best ROI once you’ve considered competition, shipping costs, product weight, seasonality and other factors.

2. Double-check requirements for your chosen product category

Every category on Amazon has its own requirements, but if the item you chose falls under a category that Amazon deems off-limits to regular sellers, you’d have to learn the requirements and follow them to the T before you are let into the categories.

These “gated” or off-limits categories include collectibles, high-liability, high-maintenance, or high-quality/expensive.

3. Track your products continuously after launch

Don’t just choose one product at a time.

If possible, sell multiple products to maximize your sales.

However, not only will you need to invest more money with more products to launch, you’d also have to track their progress continuously.

This way, you can pull them out if they turned out into non-sellable items, or if competition suddenly overpowered your product discovery by offering the same thing.

4. Become a master of ROI and margins

As an Amazon seller, estimating return on investment should be a natural thing by now.

Never ever just focus on sales. Instead, figure out how to earn back your initial investment as quickly as possible and possibly following the “3 times rule” or 3 x rule (sell an item triple the amount of what you paid for them).

The “investment” I’m talking about here isn’t exclusive to the money you pay for buying your chosen product.

Consider your training, advertising, and other expenses when trying to reach a healthy Amazon profit margin.

5. Product research should go hand-in-hand with a solid marketing plan

Once you’ve decided on the products to sell on Amazon, it’s time to brainstorm yet again but this time for a solid marketing plan.

Adding new products or launching new ones into your store without a strategy on hand is foolish, even if you think you’ve discovered the best selling products on Amazon.

This is particularly true if you plan to implement Amazon PPC and realize only after that you’ve made a costly mistake.

Increase Your Revenue by Tracking the Amazon Best Sellers

This comprehensive guide in choosing the best selling products on Amazon can be relevant even beyond 2019.

A tweak in sub-niches here and there, creatively expanding popular categories, or targeting a specific crowd all helps, as long as you follow the guidelines above.

If you want to read more about product research and learn how to get a piece of the pie from best selling products on Amazon, check out my post on the top 20 products you can buy cheap and sell high.

Get Paid to Walk: 17 Ways to Earn Money by Walking

How awesome is it to be living in a time when you can get paid to walk at your own pace and in your own free time?

For those of us who don’t really like working out, the idea of making money while walking is a good motivation.

(I have a few more ideas on how to make money fast here as well.)

The money you’ll earn will never replace your day job, but the cash or rewards (like gift cards) you’ll earn are real and legit.

Every dollar you get is still money you wouldn’t have made on a normal walk, right?

Walking the dog, delivering packages, and taking care of the elderly are all examples of real jobs that pay by the hour, so even if you’d technically earn money from walking with these traditional jobs, we skipped them so we could focus on more unusual ways.

So dust off your Fitbit, take out your running shoes, and read on to figure out how to put your feet to good use.

Get Paid to Walk with These 12 Apps and Sites

If you’re anything like me, your smartphone is mostly used browsing cat videos while sitting down. Or lying down.

But what if you could get healthier and make money at the same time?

That’s what these 12 apps will help you achieve.

1. Evidation


Evidation, formerly known as Achievement, rewards its users for every achievement “unlocked.”

It’s an all-around fitness and diet app, which means you can earn up to 80 points daily for physical activities like walking, swimming, biking, and other similar exercises.

You can also add 6 extra points daily by tracking your sleep, food, or weight, as well as sharing your progress with other Evidation users.

Because Evidation supports a wide range of fitness activities, you can connect over 20 apps, including popular ones like Samsung Health, Garmin, Fitbit, MyFitnessPal, and Apple Health, among others.

You can also join Evidation Studies, allowing you to participate in hundreds of research programs that earn you points while contributing to the advancement of health and medical knowledge.

  • Dollar value: Achievement exchanges 10,000 points for $10, redeemable to your PayPal, or direct to your bank account.

If you’re able to reach the maximum amount of points allowed per day, you’ll be able to earn $10 after 4 months (or $30 per year).

Unfortunately, points on Evidation expire a year after you earn them.

  • Plus points: Users have the option of donating these points/money to charities listed on the app.

2. GigWalk

Gigwalk App

You can get paid to walk while doing a wide range of tasks with GigWalk.

When you become a “gigwalker,” you will be given a chance to work on various gigs near your location.

You will be able to see these gigs on your iOS or Android GigWalk app. If you’re interested in doing the quick job that matches your location, you click “Apply to this Gig” and wait for a notification once you’re selected.

Gigs are primarily posted by consumer brands wanting to ensure that their products are visible and priced correctly, or that marketing events are held successfully.

These jobs take anywhere from 5 minutes to a few hours to complete, so if you’re chosen for the gig, you have to complete it and submit a photo or any other proof that you did the work to the GigWalk clients.

  • Dollar value: Depending on the complexity of tasks and the amount of time required to complete the gig, payment ranges between $3 and $100 per gig.

This will be paid via PayPal immediately after the client reviews and approves your work.

  • Plus points: Gigwalkers get to earn a performance score, which GigWalk clients check and use in hiring people for consistent, private gigs.

3. StepBet

Stepbet App

You don’t just get paid to walk with StepBet, you can actually bet on yourself with real money that you’ll reach your step goals.

It’s a pretty interesting concept that’s perfect for people who love to challenge themselves.

Plus, it connects with Garmin, Fitbit, or your phone’s other health app.

You have to download the StepBet app (it’s available on both the App Store and Google Play).

From the app, you can select a game and bet into the pot to join.

Try reaching your goals for each week of the game. If you win the money, you’ll split the pot with your co-winners.

Stepbet Money

  • Dollar value: Each game has a set amount required to join, which is often around $40. Past StepBet winners report making only a few dollars more than their bet, but the bragging rights and the health benefits are priceless.
  • Plus points: The best thing about StepBet is that it works beyond the game.

The app helps you achieve better fitness milestones by giving you 4 active days and 2 power days each week.

The goal you’ll need to finish for the day depends on your previous activities, which is great because it removes the need to plan for a balanced workout.

4. United Healthcare Motion

United Healthcare Motion

Those insured with United Health Care have the chance to get some of their investment back with the United Healthcare Motion program.

Everyone who signs up for insurance receives a $55 credit toward a fitness tracker, which United will ship to your home.

Available in both Android and iOS, the United Healthcare Motion app has three goals users can try to meet every day.

These are the Frequency Goal (500 steps within 7 minutes spread 6 times daily, at least one hour apart), Intensity Goal (3,000 steps all within 30 minutes), and the Tenacity Goal (walking 10,000 steps a day).

  • Dollar value: The points you earn can reach up to the equivalent of $1,095 per year, which you can use to pay for prescriptions, or other similar medical expenses.

The money is deposited directly into your HSA or HRA account every quarter.

  • Plus points: If you don’t use the points you earn, they don’t expire. The money just rolls over year to year.

5. Sweatcoin


Sweatcoin is one of the more interesting approaches to getting paid to walk on this list.

They’ve developed their own cryptocurrency called Sweatcoins and reward you based on the number of steps you’ve taken.

You can then redeem your Sweatcoins for various rewards in their store. It takes around 1,000 steps to generate 1 Sweatcoin.

Note that Sweatcoin only counts outdoor steps, as their algorithm includes GPS data as one of the inputs. This means your indoor steps (e.g., steps you make on the treadmill, stair stepper, elliptical, etc.) won’t be counted.

  • Dollar value: At this time, Sweatcoins cannot be redeemed for cash, but their FAQ section seems to hint that it might be a possibility in the near future.
  • Plus points: Sweatcoin has partnered with many brands, such as Audible, Tidal, Headpace, YogaClub, and over 1,000 others. While there is no actual cash you can earn, the rewards are definitely sweet.

6. Rover

The only thing better than getting paid to walk, is getting paid to walk with dogs.

Rover will allow you to do just that. Download their app, create a dog walking profile, and you can connect with local people who need their dogs walked throughout the day.

  • Dollar value: Walking a dog on pays an average of $18 an hour. This will still vary depending on the packages you offer (pre-payment for a year, discounts, etc.)
  • Plus points: Rover has various other offerings, like dog boarding, sitting, and drop-in visits, but if you aren’t interested in doing those, you can sign up just to be a walker.

The following apps don’t pay you cash, but you still get paid to walk with rewards like gift cards, discounts, or instant good karma (if you choose to donate your rewards instead).

7. Charity Miles

You can log your walking, running, or cycling sessions, as well as other physical activities in exchange for rewards that you can donate to over 20 participating charities, such as Wounded Warrior Project, Habitat for Humanity, Alzheimer’s Association and more.

  • Pros: Tons of charities to choose from.
  • Cons: It doesn’t support other fitness apps since it only uses your phone’s GPS and motion sensors for tracking your activity. You’d have to open the Charity Miles app for it to track your workout.

8. Walgreens Balance Rewards

Earn points from tracking your steps, weight, blood pressure and sugar levels, sleep, and other physical activities.

Users receive 20 BR points per mile based on their phone’s motion sensor.

You can also join a 4-week health challenge, which includes both physical activities and lifestyle goals, and earn 100 BR points for every week that you successfully complete a health challenge. Complete all 4 weeks and get a chance to win up to 2000 BR points through a prize wheel spin.

Every 1,000 BR points you earn can be converted to $1 for redemption on future purchases in Walgreens.

Walgreens Balance Rewards work with other health apps so that you earn BR points automatically when these apps and devices are updated. In fact, connecting an app or device earns you 250 BR points.

The list of apps and devices is extensive, which you can check out on this page.

  • Pros: You can view your account on both the Walgreens site and within the app. Connect with a wide range of health apps and devices.
  • Cons: Unused points expire on a 12-month rolling basis.

9. MapMyWalk

This app is under the MapMyFitness umbrella and runs alongside popular fitness apps as well as your phone’s GPS.

It syncs with Under Armour smart shoes as well, enabling you to track your pace, stride length, and cadence.

You can analyze the data in the app itself or on the website and take advantage of their adaptive training plans to achieve your next goals, like your first 5K run or your first marathon.

  • Pros: The prizes from rewards involve popular brands like Under Armour.
  • Cons: There are no guaranteed rewards for steps or activities, since you’d have to join challenges and earn rewards as prizes.

10. BetterPoints

For European and UK users, you can earn rewards whenever you use the BetterPoints app.

After downloading the app, you can start tracking your steps or other activities.

You can also choose a local challenge and earn points.

  • Pros: Spend your BetterPoints rewards on high street vouchers from brands like Amazon, Tesco, Currys PC World, Marks & Spencer, and so on.
  • Cons: £1 is roughly 1,000 BetterPoints.

11. winwalk

winwalk is a free, easy to use pedometer that rewards you coins for your steps that you can exchange for gift cards.

It sounds really simple to get paid for walking, doesn’t it? That’s because it is.

However, this app is only available for Android users.

  • Pros: It takes around 100 steps to earn 1 coin, and it takes 8,000 coins to earn a $5 gift card from their brand partner.
  • Cons: It takes way too many steps to earn these gift cards, so don’t make this your only source of side cash from walking.

12. PK Rewards

PK Rewards is an iOS app that allows you to earn virtual coins for doing any physical activity that can be tracked by your phone. You can then exchange these virtual coins for rewards and gift cards from major brands or to donate to one of their supported charities.

You can also link your Apple Watch, heart rate monitor, or fitness tracker so the app can track your activity better.

  • Pros: You’re rewarded with coins faster if you exercise more vigorously.
  • Cons: There’s a daily cap on the number of coins you can earn; you’ll have to pay a few dollars to remove that cap.

5 More Ways You Can Earn Money by Walking but with a Twist

The following methods aren’t really advertised as “get paid to walk” gigs, but you technically earn real money by walking.

13. Become a tour guide

If you’re a people person and love entertaining a group of people, you’d love working as a local tour guide.

You don’t need a degree to do this – just a genuine love for the place you’re showing off, as well as good story-telling and communication skills.

  • Dollar value: Tour guides can earn up to $200 an hour, plus the tips you may receive from your group.

I have a more comprehensive blog post about earning money as a tour guide here.

14. Run errands (join Tasker apps)

If you’ve got spare time and want to turn this free time into a productive few hours, you can get errand runner jobs via Tasker apps.

There are various kinds of tasks you can do, from grocery delivery like Shipt, GoPuff or Instacart, to caregiving apps such as Sittercity or Care.

There are apps that cater to miscellaneous errands, such as Favors, Same Ole Line Dudes (line-sitting), or Task Rabbit.

Every task and app has specific payment ranges. Check here for complete details of all these Tasker apps.

15. Lead fitness groups

If you’ve always volunteered to lead your community’s Zumba group, this one’s for you.

You can actually find people to join you to walk, and get paid for leading them, too!

Start a hike or fitness trail service locally. This could be a part-time gig or full-time, depending on your time commitments.

If you have extensive knowledge with food nutritional value, you can even provide diet food delivery for your team.

Advertise on Facebook groups or traditional community center service boards.

16. Deliver food, packages and other items

While most delivery gigs require you to have a car, you can pass for walking if you live in cities like New York.

Check here to learn which are the best paying food delivery apps around.

17. Start a walking-themed blog or book

If you prefer not to deal with other people with tour guides, creating walking guides could be a better alternative for you.

Walking guides are a hit for many people. You have several options if you wish to earn this way:

  • Start a blog: Ideal for those who love to write and can commit to creating content regularly.
  • Build a YouTube channel: – Ideal for those who are comfortable being on camera.
  • Write a book or e-book: If you love writing but don’t want to commit to continuous blog post production, you can write a one-off book and earn passive income this way.

Get Paid to Walk Gigs are Legit!

Ask any doctor about workout recommendations.

You’ll find out soon enough that walking is generally the most-prescribed exercise since you don’t need to pay for a gym membership or invest in expensive equipment.

It’s good for people with bad knees, back problems, and a lot of internal health problems.

With the apps I’ve listed above, you can get paid to walk either with real cash or rewards.

Who wouldn’t want that?

Want a secret pro tip? Combine your love of walking with the opportunity to get paid to wear clothes to seriously maximize your earnings while out and about.

And when you are ready to take it to the next level, here are more ways to get paid to lose weight.

How to Sell Books on Amazon: A Step-By-Step Guide

Of all the goods you can sell and all the online marketplaces you can sell them on, selling books on Amazon remains one of the best ways to make money online.

Amazon may be the largest online retailer in the world now, but did you know that the company started out as a marketplace for new and used books?

In fact, CEO Jeff Bezos operated the “Earth’s Biggest Bookstore” straight out of his garage when Amazon opened for business in 1994.

Look familiar?

Amazons Original Website

Three years later, the company carried 2.5 million titles and earned a whopping $148 million in 1997 alone.

Amazon sold books exclusively from its launch until 1999 when the company expanded into selling toys, electronics, tools, and hardware.

Even with the recent success of online bookstore chains like Barnes & Noble, choosing to sell books on Amazon remains a smart decision because Amazon continues to grow at an outstanding rate, and more and more brick-and-mortar Amazon bookstores are popping up.

Why Sell Books on Amazon?

You’re probably looking for a more sophisticated answer than “to make money.”

But really, this is the main reason to choose Amazon over other booksellers: it’s lucrative.

And it’s lucrative because:

  1. the demand for books is as high as ever, if not higher
  2. shoppers trust Amazon
  3. selling on Amazon is simple (as you’ll see below).

3 Ways to Sell Books on Amazon

Amazon has been around for over two decades, so it’s no wonder the company has come up with different ways to accommodate various types of sellers.

If you want to sell books on Amazon, you have three options (each with varying steps to follow):

1. Amazon Trade-In

Technically, you’re not actually selling books on Amazon with the trade-in or buyback program. Instead, you are trading old books in exchange for Amazon gift cards.

To do this, you have to check if your books are currently being accepted in the trade-in program.

Amazon Trade-In

If they are, continue with your submission form and add more if you plan to trade in more books.

When ready, enter your address, print a prepaid shipping label, and send in your items within 7 days free of charge.

The books will be sent to Amazon’s warehouse. You’ll be notified when your book is either accepted or denied.

You can also check the status of your trade-in anytime in Your Trade-In Account or the “payment” by viewing your gift card balance.

If your items are denied, you’ll get your books back with no cost for return shipping.

The trade-in value of your books will be significantly lower than what you paid for them, but really, anything is better than nothing for a book you will never open again.

2. Kindle Direct Publishing

If you’re planning to write a book and want to sell it online, you don’t have to sign with a publishing house anymore. Amazon’s KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) gives anyone a chance to create, publish, and sell their own books, ebooks, and audiobooks on Amazon.

With KDP, you get to keep and control 100% of your book’s rights, which means you can make changes to the books any time you like and earn up to 70% of royalties.

Of course, the most obvious benefit of self-publishing via Amazon is that your book reaches the market quickly without additional expenses.

I’ve fully outlined the process of how to self-publish a book here. It’s a more in-depth guide than you’ll find on this page, so click through if this is the route you want to pursue.

3. Sell Books on Amazon for Cash

You don’t have to trade in used books or publish your own books to take advantage of Amazon’s millions of potential buyers.

You can still sell books on Amazon, even if you didn’t author those books.

There are three ways you can do this:

  • Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) – You post a book for sale, but let Amazon handle the storage, shipping, and post-sale customer support. Many beginner sellers choose this option until they get a solid fulfillment system in place.
  • Fulfillment by merchant (FBM) – Customers order the books from Amazon, but as an FBM seller, you handle everything—storage, packing, shipping, and customer service—every time one of your items gets sold.
  • Amazon vendors (AMZ) – You sell all your books directly to Amazon. They will obviously be a lot cheaper, but if you just closed a brick-and-mortar bookstore and want to unload plenty of books, this is the fastest way possible.

Four-Step Guide to Selling Books on Amazon

At this point, you should have already decided which way you want to sell on Amazon (FBA, FBM, or AMZ). Now, it’s time to get started selling!

Step 1: Create a regular Amazon account and a seller account

  • Join Amazon. If you aren’t already, note that you have to be a member of Amazon to begin selling on the site. Registration is straightforward – enter e-mail address, create a password, and all that jazz.
  • Create Seller Account. Click on the “Your Account” tab and find “Your Seller Account” to begin the process of opening a seller account.
  • Decide on a selling plan. The Individual plan has no monthly subscription fee but has a $0.99 as a per sale closing fee. You can also only sell up to 40 items each month. On the Professional plan, you’d have to shell out a $39.99/month subscription fee plus per-item selling fees, but you get access to spreadsheets and other inventory-related reports.
  • Enter payment information. To receive payment from the books sold, you’ll need to provide a valid checking account. Under “Settings,” find “Account Info.” Find the “Deposit Method” section on the page and click “Edit.” Select your bank’s country/location and make sure to enter the correct routing number. Amazon will send you a confirmation e-mail once it has verified the account with your bank.

Step 2: How to Sell Books on Amazon

  • Find the title of the book you plan on selling. Click “Sell Your Stuff” on the main seller account page and type the title or ISBN into the search box. Tick the “Books” category, before clicking the “Start Selling” button. You can also search for a book normally (as any buyer would), visit the product page, and click the button that says “Sell on Amazon” to begin filling out information on your own book listing.
  • If you can’t find the title on Amazon, list a new book title. If for some reason you can’t find the title of the book you want to sell on Amazon, you’ll be directed to a different form to begin a new listing. From there, you’ll have to enter all details about the book, including the complete title, author name/s, publisher information, and ISBN.
  • Decide on a price. The easiest way to set the price of your book is to compare it with other listings. Beginner sellers often sell their books at a lower price so customers purchase theirs over other sellers’ copies.
  • Enter the book condition. If you’re selling a new book, you can do this portion quickly by just picking paperback or hardcover. But if your book is used, you have to describe the condition of your item (“Like New,” “Very Good,” “Good,” or “Acceptable”). Consult Amazon’s Marketplace Items Condition Guidelines to make sure you’re describing the condition of the book accurately. Books with missing pages, ripped covers, or erased text fall under “Unacceptable” condition and cannot be sold on Amazon.
  • Select the shipping method. If you chose the fulfilled-by-merchant (FBM) approach, you’ll decide everything about shipping and handling.
  • Save your listing. Once you save your listing, the book will now be up for sale on Amazon.

Step 3: Set Up Fulfillment by Amazon

If you want to skip the handling, shipment, and post-sale customer service, FBA is the way to go.

But the steps are a bit different from the regular way of selling books on Amazon. Sellers ship their books directly to one of Amazon’s fulfillment centers (FC).

Whenever a sale pushes through, Amazon packs and ships the book to the customer and handle complaints, returns, and other inquiries on your behalf.

  • Convert any listing into FBA. You can change a regular listing into an FBA version by going to your account’s “Inventory” and clicking “Manage Inventory.” Choose the listing you wish to convert, check the box beside it, and click “Change to Fulfilled by Amazon” from the “Actions” pull-down menu. You will be directed to a new page, asked to “Convert” with a click of a button, and review your revamped listing. (Note that when you convert a regular listing, the original listing will be temporarily removed from Amazon. Don’t worry, since it will be back live once the book arrives at Amazon).
  • Sending books to Amazon. You need to ship your book/s to the nearest Amazon fulfillment centers. Amazon will send you shipping instructions, along with PDF product/shipment labels for your books. Print and stick them to the package as instructed. You can use any courier, deliver them manually, or use Amazon’s discounted shipping to send the book to the fulfillment center; it’s totally your call.
  • Check the status of your books. Once Amazon receives your books, you don’t have to do anything else. You can check the status of your books, monitor listings, or just let Amazon do its thing and wait for notification when your book gets sold.

Step 4: Get Paid

The reason why you sell books on Amazon ultimately boils down to getting paid real cash.

All earnings you get from the sales (minus Amazon fees, outward shipping fees, and so on) will be listed in detail on your Seller Account.

If you wish to withdraw your funds, log in to your Amazon Payments account, click the “Withdraw Funds” tab, and select a bank account from the dropdown menu. Enter the amount you want to transfer to your bank account. Finish by pressing the “Continue” button.

How much money can you make selling books on Amazon?

Given that there are three distinct methods outlined above, the amount of money you can make selling books on Amazon can vary.

For trading in books, you’re limited to what you have to sell from around your house. Textbooks are going to fetch the most amount of money, and even then, you’re selling them for about 10-15% of what you paid. Still, that’s better than letting them sit and collect dust forever.

As for Kindle Direct Publishing, the sky is the limit here. You’re selling a digital product and are in control of pricing, but you’re also responsible for the marketing and sales as well.

Finally, reselling books. This is the area you’ll want to focus on if you want to make serious money in this space.

Scan the UPC codes of the books in your inventory and see how much they’re currently listed on at Amazon. You can quite easily find books that sell for 2x, 5x, and even 20x what you pay for them. Granted you need the right buyer, but with enough inventory, you can pull in a few extra thousand per month.

Where Can You Get Books To Sell On Amazon?

Here are some of the popular sources of inventory where you can get books to sell.

Your own books. This is probably the easiest way to find books to sell and how most beginners get started.

Start looking around your house, and maybe even your parents’ house, for old books that you haven’t read in years and don’t plan to read ever.

Some surprising finds in your house can include textbooks, comic books, and limited edition books.

Used bookstores. Another popular source of books to sell is your local used bookstores.

There’s a good chance you can pick up some surprisingly profitable books here.

Plus, these are almost always in good condition, since used bookstores don’t normally sell stock that’s too damaged.

Local library. Your local library also holds sales periodically because they have to raise some funds and make room for new books.

Estate sales. Estate sales and auctions are other great sources of books to sell on Amazon because they are motivated to liquidate these books and turn them into cash and they normally sell them for a good price.

Try to look for closing out sales or moving out sales, too. Again, these are the ones who are motivated to sell.

Online retail arbitrage. At its simplest, online arbitrage is shopping for books online at a low price and then turning around and selling them at a higher price.

This might take more time than the others, but at least here, you can shop for books from home and not have to get out and go places.

Craigslist. If you’re lucky, you might find entire lots of books being sold cheaply. If you’re super lucky, you might even find free books on here.

The Future of Book Selling on Amazon

Jumping into any kind of business not backed by research is dangerous, so if you plan to sell books on Amazon but was worried about the future of this venture, consider these:


Selling on Amazon remains a lucrative venture because it is home to a market that buys.

Amazon has more than 300 million active users, with 150 million Prime subscribers.

Net sales in 2021 amounted to $469.8 billion.

Amazon has a 50% share of the US print book market as of 2018.

Whether you’re on the verge of self-publishing or launching your own online business, partnering with Amazon continues to be a safe business model.


However, Amazon is in control of service fees and future policy changes, whether you like it or not.

As a bookseller on Amazon, you’d have to agree to the changes or look to sell somewhere else.

For example, when Amazon upped the FBA fees, about 10% of booksellers stopped shipping their products to Amazon.

Will you be willing to comply when changes like these happen in the future?

Before you invest everything into selling books on Amazon, weigh these pros and cons carefully.

Other Things To Sell In Amazon

Of course, books aren’t the only thing to sell on Amazon.

If at this point, you’ve changed your mind about selling books, here are other things to sell on Amazon that can make you some money as well.

13 Money Making Apps to Turn Your Phone into an ATM

Before we dive into the best money making apps, let me first ask you…

How much time per day do you spend staring at your phone?

If you’re anything like me, you’re glued to your phone all hours of the day.

In fact, you’re probably reading this article on your phone right now. And if you aren’t you probably glanced at your phone at least twice already to see if there were any new notifications.

There probably wasn’t, but you still looked anyway.

Truth is, we’re addicted to these damn things. But wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to turn that addiction into a little extra cash?

Advertisers are spending more money on mobile ads than any other platform, coming in at around $70 billion per year.

You can get a little slice of the pie just by using the right apps.

I did the research for you and found 13 apps that make you money.

All you have to do is download them and get to work.

You might also want to look at this list of selling apps. These are apps that will pay you money for things you have sitting around your house.

13 Highest Paying Money Making Apps

If you’ve read any other “money making app” list, you’ve probably come across a lot of the same apps or premises.

Answer surveys, shop online, or do mindless stuff on your phone for a few pennies.

Some of those are in here, but I really wanted to explore new avenues for making money off of your phone and I certainly didn’t want any repeat tasks.

The opportunities below are “best in show” meaning these apps pay the most amount of money in their category.

I broke down each section with the app name, what you need to do to get paid, and a screenshot or two of the app in action.

1. nielsen: Get $50 to Download an App

nielsen logo

Want to make $50 just for downloading an app? Nielsen has you covered.

Nielsen is a consumer research agency and they want to know how you use your phone, meaning where you shop, what kind of music you listen to, what websites you visit etc.

They do collect all of this data anonymously and keep your information private.

Why collect it at all? They use your demographics to figure out what people who are similar to you may be interested in or what they may want to buy.

Nielsen app

All you need to do is download their app, install it, and you will earn $50 per year.

2. Google Opinion Rewards: Answer Questions About Yourself

Opinion Rewards Logo

Let’s be real.

Google already knows pretty much everything there is to know about you.

This doesn’t mean they don’t want to know even more. This app will send you a notification to answer a few questions about yourself, your spending habits, your travel habits, or just where you’ve been recently.

Google Opinion Rewards Survey

The short surveys are usually 3 questions long and will net you anywhere from ten cents to a dollar. A survey will usually take less than 30 seconds to answer.

It’s an incredibly quick and easy way to pocket some extra cash. The only drawback is having to wait for the next survey.

3. Foap: Take Pictures

Foap Logo

How many images and videos do you have on your phone?

You probably have more than your phone can even store.

Foap has built a platform for advertisers to connect with phone photographers.

You add your photos to Foap’s portfolio and get paid any time an advertiser wants to use your images.

Foap App Screen

Your images will have to be enticing to advertisers. It’s unlikely candid snapshots are going to net very much money, if any at all.

So make sure you think about things like composition, lighting, and the subject.

The right photo could be worth quite a bit of money.

4. DietBet: Lose Weight

Dietbet Logo

You know how losing weight sucks?

Do you also know how much it sucks to lose money?

Well, DietBet has taken the two ideas and combined them into one hellish app that will help you get fit and make money at the same time.

Dietbet App Screen

You join a pool and bet a certain amount of money that you will lose a certain amount of weight in a certain amount of time.

Everyone who hits their goal, gets a percentage of the prize pool.

Everyone who fails, well, doesn’t.

This app will require you to do a little more work than the others, but you may also live a longer, healthier life.

For the true masochists there is also RunBet, StepBet, and SweatBet.

Download all 4 to slim out your waistline and fatten up your wallet.

5. ShopTracker: Share Your Amazon History

ShopTracker Logo

How many Amazon Prime boxes arrive at your doorstep each week?

Probably a lot.

You can fuel your Amazon shopping addiction and get paid $36 per year just to share what you buy with the ShopTracker app.

Shoptracker App

ShopTracker will automatically send you a gift card each month that you have the app installed.

Installing an app, forgetting about it, and getting paid each month sure beats having to work out for money.

I’m looking at you DietBet.

6. ibotta: Get Paid to Save Money

ibotta logo

ibotta is a shopping app that keeps money in your pocket.

(They’ll also give you $10 just for creating an account.)

Instead of paying full-price for items, ibotta will find coupons or discounts for you.

You scan your phone at checkout, or take a picture of your receipt, and ibotta will deposit CASH back into your account.

ibotta app

You were already going to buy this stuff already. Ibotta just gives you the chance to pay a little bit less than you would have.

Plus, the rewards come in cash money.

Meaning dollars in your account, not points or credits or Schrute bucks.

Deposit your money into a Paypal account, Venmo, or cash out in gift cards.

7. Roadie: Deliver Packages

Roadie Logo

Planning a roadtrip? Going out of town? Just enjoy driving?

Roadie connects businesses with drivers.

You simply download the app, input your route, and Roadie will let you know what options there are for pickup and delivery along the way.

Roadie App

You can earn anywhere from $60 for a local delivery to a whopping $650 for a long-haul drop off.

Best part is, this isn’t Uber.

You are picking up and dropping off packages, not people. You don’t have to entertain strangers or worry about someone throwing up in your back seat.

Roadie drivers get added perks at restaurants and discounts on car services as well.

8. Gigwalk: Complete Local Tasks

Gigwalk logo

Open up the Gigwalk app and you’ll instantly see a list of tasks that need to be done around you.

Most of the tasks revolve around making sure a product is being properly displayed in the store.

You walk to the store, verify the display is being show appropriately and the product is priced correctly, then snap a picture, then get a payout directly to your Paypal account.

Gigwalk App

You pick the gigs that interest you the most.

Pay ranges from $3 to $100 per task completed.

9. SlideJoy: Rent Out Your Lock Screen

Slidejoy Logo

How many times a day do you unlock your phone?

It’s okay, you can round down to the nearest hundred.

It’s a lot right? And you probably don’t even need to look at your phone to unlock it.

Well, SlideJoy will pay you to put a few ads there.

Slidejoy App

The ads are unobtrusive and it’s wasted space anyway.

Now, you can get cash every time you unlock your phone.

You can cash out your earnings directly to a Paypal account or exchange them for gift cards.

Either way, you’re making money by utilizing a screen you would otherwise be ignoring.

10. Swagbucks: Watch Videos

Swagbucks Logo

I’ve been a huge fan of Swagbucks for a few years now.

In fact, I’ve cashed out well over $1,000 since I first joined.

(They also pay you $5 just to sign up!)

Swagbucks gives you the opportunity to make money just by watching videos on your phone.

swagbucks app

You login, watch the videos that interest you, then you get paid.

You can also answer surveys and get cash back when you shop.

You are basically getting paid to Youtube.

11. Acorns: Invest Your Spare Change

Acorns Logo

Acorns is a pretty cool app that works entirely in the background to help you grow your savings account.

Every time you make a purchase, Acorns will round up the total to the nearest dollar, and take your spare change and invest it into the market on your behalf.

Acorns app

So that $3.40 coffee now “costs” $4.00 even, but the extra 60 cents gets added to a stock portfolio and grows silently in the background.

It’s a great way to save up for retirement or even a vacation without even realizing you’re doing so.

(Take notes, DietBet. Someone else doing all of the work for you is way cooler than getting paid to move around.)

12. Userfeel: Test Out Websites

Userfeel Logo

Userfeel is looking for people to open up websites on their phone and narrate their experience using the site.

They want to know what you think, how you interact, what can be improved, and any information you can share about a page.

You will be helping website owners identify and fix problems with their sites.

Each test will run about 15-20 minutes and you will earn $10 for each test completed.

This gives you the opportunity to make up to $40 per hour just by testing website.

Not bad at all.

13. Rover: Walk or Board Dogs

Rover logo

You can get paid to play with dogs.


You can even get paid up to $25 per hour.

How much time have you spent playing with dogs for free!?

Rover connects pet owners with pet lovers. If you have extra time during the day, you can find local dogs that need daily walks, play time, or cuddles and get paid for your services.

Rover App

The real money is in overnight stays. Pet owners don’t want to drop their animals off at kennels any more. If you can provide a safe, friendly space for someone else’s pet, you can make quite a bit a money.

I would suggest signing up for Wag! as well. The premise is exactly the same, play with or board other people’s pets and get paid.

The more sites you join, the better chances you have of getting paid to play with animals.

Finding the Best Apps That Make You Money

I hope this list helps put a few extra dollars in your pocket each month.

Sure, you aren’t going to get rich, but you already use your phone a ton, you might as well have a little extra spending cash at the end of the day.

If you are looking for some quick cash, be sure to read my guide on how to make money online fast. There are 5 tasks in there that if you complete them all (takes about 30 minutes) you’ll make $126.

Let me know if any of the above apps work out for you.

(Am I really going to end this post using the words “work out” and not make another DietBet joke?)


What is Wealthy Affiliate? Answers to All Your Pressing Questions

You know how they say time flies?

I’m coming up on my 10 year anniversary of being a Wealthy Affiliate member.

That’s an entire decade of my life dedicated to being an active member of their community and using their training to help build my business.

A lot has changed in ten years to say the least. Wealthy Affiliate in 2009 was much more primitive and didn’t offer even a quarter of the features they have today.

What is Wealthy Affiliate?

Wealthy Affiliate is an online platform that offers the training and tools you need to build a website and make money.

The owners, Kyle & Carson, use videos and tutorials to break down the process behind getting your own income producing site up and running. Their emphasis has always been to make it as easy as possible for anyone to follow.

The only way it would be easier to create a website would be if Kyle or Carson physically came to your house and did it for you.

That’s not really an option, so for now, you just have to follow along and do the work yourself.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is best described with an example.

Let’s say it’s December 31st and you haven’t come up with a New Year’s Resolution yet.

The clock is ticking and under pressure you decide you’re going to walk a minimum of 10 miles per week.

It’s now 11:55PM and you have 5 minutes until that ball drops.

You don’t know how to magically keep track of distances walked in your head, so you pull out your phone and do a quick search to find the best fitness tracker.

Fitness Tracker

You are an astute consumer and want to make sure you get the best value for your money. You pick the #1 fitness tracker on the market at the moment.

Explaining affiliate marketing

You click on the Amazon link (because you have Prime and love that free 2-day shipping, of course) and make a purchase with 30 seconds to spare.

Two days later that fitness band lands on your front porch and you start hitting your walking goals.

What you may not have noticed is the affiliate link you clicked on.

You see, when you clicked on that Amazon link, Amazon was notified you arrived via another website.

Amazon will now pay the originating website a percentage of the sale.

This is called affiliate marketing.

You partner up with companies and send your website visitors to their website.

When they make a purchase, you get a commission.

It’s as simple as that.

Is Wealthy Affiliate for Beginners?

So I used the word simple in the previous line.

I also mentioned some complicated stuff about building a website, partnering with companies like Amazon, and getting visitors to visit your site.

A lot of this can look overwhelming on the surface, but the reality is, there are a lot of tools out there that make this one of the easiest and most cost-effective businesses that you can run.

Wealthy Affiliate was designed with the beginner in mind. Kyle assumes that you know nothing about creating a website or affiliate marketing and will go over everything in extreme detail and provide you with video tutorials so you can “look over his shoulder” as he works.

In addition to this, there is a live chat feature, a technical support team with insanely fast response times, and an opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

Wealthy Affiliate live chat

Odds are, you’ll run into a problem at some point.

I guarantee you that whatever problem you face, it will not be unique. Someone will have encountered it before and will be able to provide you with a fast solution.

The help that’s available at Wealthy Affiliate is really what makes the program shine.

What if I already have a website up and running?

Then Wealthy Affiliate is still for you.

I founded this site in 2007, but didn’t join Wealthy Affiliate until 2009.

In fact, here’s what the site originally looked like…

ivetriedthat in 2007

Hey man, you don’t ask. I won’t tell.

I was making some money with this site before signing up at Wealthy Affiliate, but it wasn’t enough money to live off of.

After joining Wealthy Affiliate, I was able to use the training, community, and relationships there to really help take my site to the next level.

So can you take advantage of Wealthy Affiliate if you already have a website?

Yes, you can.

I’m living proof.

How many members does Wealthy Affiliate have?

Wealthy Affiliate has just over 1.4 million members that have created accounts.

Wealthy Affiliate member total

I say “accounts created” and not “active members” for a specific reason.

While that many accounts exist, not everyone uses it every single day. Seeing such a large number can make it seem like you will get lost in the crowd.

But that is not the case at all. All this means is that Wealthy Affiliate has members from all over the world, from all walks of life, and from all levels of experience all working towards one goal: building a successful business online.

These 1.4 million members span 193 different countries. No matter where you are, you’ll fit in at Wealthy Affiliate.

How much does Wealthy Affiliate cost?

There are three different membership levels.

Starter, Premium, and Premium Yearly.

As a Starter member you pay a whopping $0 per month. That’s right, Starter memberships are completely free.

And they are free for life. However, there are some restrictions with a free membership.

You don’t have access to the advanced training modules, hosting websites on your own domain, and enhanced community support.

I like to view Starter as an opportunity to really test-drive the system.

You can get in, see how it handles, and if you like the community and find the training enlightening, then it’s time to upgrade to unlock Wealthy Affiliate’s full potential.

A Wealthy Affiliate premium membership will cost you $19 for the first month and then $49 every month after that and this gives you access to EVERYTHING Wealthy Affiliate has to offer.

There aren’t any upsells within the community. You pay one price for a membership and that’s it.

“But you just said there’s a ‘Premium Yearly’ option!”

I’m getting to that, chill!

What is the Wealthy Affiliate yearly membership?

The Wealthy Affiliate yearly membership is just an opportunity to pay less money for the same membership.

You heard that right.

Both levels of Premium offer all of the same features, one just costs a little less money.

If you were to pay month-to-month, a membership will set you back $588 per year.

However, you can opt to pay for a full-year upfront for only $359.

That’s a savings of $229 over the course of the year. Basically, you are paying for 8 months and getting 4 months free.

The memberships are exactly the same, one is just a much better deal financially. That’s why I always recommend people go yearly if they think they will be around for a while.

Are there any Wealthy Affiliate discounts?

Kind of.

You do get the first month at 60% off, and if you do pay for yearly you do save an additional $229.

Kyle & Carson take it one step further and offer promotional pricing for Wealthy Affiliate every Black Friday at the price of $299 per year.

Wealthy Affiliate Black Friday

This drops your total price to around $24 per month, roughly half off.

This offer pops up every year just after Thanksgiving and extends into early December.

It’s a great way to save a few extra bucks on an already incredible membership.

Is Wealthy Affiliate worth it?

Let’s remove the 5,000+ training modules, 24/7 live chat, instant website support team, weekly live webinars, 14 years of experience, and 1.4 million member community and focus on just the website hosting alone.

A website host is just the physical computer (called a server) that “hosts” your website. Your website is stored on a server that is connected to the Internet 24/7 and allows people from all around the world to access your website.

Wealthy Affiliate allows you to create and host 50 different websites on their state-of-the-art servers.

I’ve pulled a screenshot of the closest possible hosting competitor for a simple price comparison…


You are going to be paying $290 PER MONTH if you want to host up to 15 websites. You could maybe get away with the Startup Plan for a little while, but will eventually need the Growth Plan.


None of those prices includes training on what to do with your website once you’ve created it! Yes, the technical support is there, but that’s where it ends.

You will be paying nearly $250 less at Wealthy Affiliate and get access to everything I mentioned above.

So now you tell me, is Wealthy Affiliate worth it?

Does Wealthy Affiliate have an affiliate program of their own?

Yes, you can refer new members to Wealthy Affiliate and get paid to do so.

There are a few ways to make money through Wealthy Affiliate.

If you refer a new Starter member and they fill out their account profile, you get paid $1.

If that Starter member decides to join Premium, you get $8 for their first month.

If that Premium member sticks around longer, you get paid $23.50 each month they remain a member.

And if that active member decides to go yearly, you get paid a whopping $175.

Are you happy with Wealthy Affiliate?

I started this post telling you that I’ve been a member there for 10 years now.

It’s hard to continue to pay for something for 10 years and not enjoy it!

While I do hold some criticisms of Wealthy Affiliate (be sure to check out my full Wealthy Affiliate review), overall I am extremely satisfied with the platform that Kyle & Carson built.

I have been reviewing various work at home and affiliate marketing programs since 2007. I can count on one-hand the number of programs that I would seriously recommend. Wealthy Affiliate has been at the top of that list since I joined back in 2009.

The main reason is they continue to improve the service, add new features, update the training, and simply blow everything else out of the water.

There is no other business out there that you can start for less than $50 per month and earn enough to replace your full-time job.

Plus, you can try everything for free with a Starter membership.

What are you waiting for?

(If you have any other questions, leave a comment below. I’d be happy to answer anything you send in!)

26 Online Typing Jobs You Can Do From Home

When I first started looking for money-making opportunities, online typing jobs were all the rage.

Unfortunately, a lot of scams popped up to take advantage of those trying to find at-home typist jobs.

Headlines like these were all over the place:

typing jobs scam

This set people up with false expectations of what type of earnings were actually realistic.

It’s actually the reason why I founded this website in the first place. I wanted to make sure people were finding real, legit opportunities and not falling for these scams.

If you’re looking for an entry-level, home-based typing job, this comprehensive guide will tackle everything you need to know about this old school work-from-home job.

4 Main Types of Online Typing Jobs

Web-based typing jobs include all jobs that require you to quickly and accurately input letters, numbers, or symbols into a computer keyboard or mobile phone.

In some cases, the job may involve speech recognition software or other tools of the trade.

1. Data Entry

Even the most modern companies require data entry operators to key in data, fill up spreadsheets, re-type scanned documents, and do other similar tasks.

There are no special qualifications needed for data entry, except for total concentration, accuracy, and speed.

Data Entry Clerk Hourly Pay - PayScale

Check out my updated list of data entry jobs you can do from home.

2. Transcription

Transcription jobs are similar to data entry jobs, except typists convert audio or video into a text-based document.

There are specializations, such as medical transcription or legal transcription, which provide better rates but require higher qualifications.

Accuracy is a priority in this field and the ability to speak more than one language will substantially increase the amount of money you can make.

Here is my full list of online transcription jobs.

3. Closed Captioning

This type of transcription job involves typing the audio of a recorded video and adding the text as captions during post-production.

Some companies hire closed captioners to work on live feeds. You can be hired for captioning news, press briefings, and developing stories in real-time.

Check out this list of closed captioning jobs to find the right one for you.

4. CAPTCHA, Forum Posting, Surveys, and other small-time gigs

While many of these online typing jobs are legit (companies do pay), the problem with entering a CAPTCHA, posting on forums, answering surveys, and performing other small-time gigs is that the pay is so little. I’m talking cents.

As such, it requires a lot of work before you can reach the minimum payout.

All types of online typing jobs require accuracy and a fast turnaround, which is why a typing test is the most important (and often only) requirement applicants need to pass.

26 Legit Online Typing Jobs

Online typing jobs are super easy to do, which should be an advantage for anyone looking for home-based jobs.

However, this is the same reason why the competition is high. To get ahead of the pack, make sure to bookmark these tried and tested websites with typing jobs:

1. FlexJobs

I strongly suggest starting your search on FlexJobs.

All the companies and employers who post job openings on this job board are checked and vetted by individuals to make sure that they are legitimate.

Thus, you can rest assured that when you apply for a job through FlexJobs, you’re not going to be the victim of a scam.

Also, signing up to be a member gets you more help with your job searches, such as career advising and résumé review.

Browse all the job openings that come up when you use the search term “typing.”

2. Capital Typing

Capital Typing, as its name suggests, began as a data entry and transcription service provider but now offers a wide range of services from bookkeeping to BPO, office admin, market research, translation, and a whole lot more.

Bookmark their Jobs page and check back often to know what positions they’re currently offering.

3. Tigerfish

This transcription company has been in business since 1989 and accepts applicants from the US.

The job involves transcribing audio files. You’d need to pass a test and use their software once accepted for this online typing job.

There are currently no job openings available, but keep their Applicants page in your bookmarks and look at it once in a while.

4. Kendall Creek Communications

This Montana-based company provides quick, accurate transcripts to Court Reporting Agencies and government agencies, as well as private companies such as financial institutions and legal firms.

Pay rates vary with the type of work, client, turnaround time, and the quality of the output, but the average pay for general legal transcription jobs ranges from $1.25 per page to $2 per double-spaced page.

This page details the application process as well as what to expect.

5. Scribie

Scribie accepts transcriptionists from around the world and pays $5 to $25 per audio hour.

You have total control over which projects to work on and when to pick assignments. Every 6-minute (or less) audio file has a 2-hour turnaround time.

If you complete 3 hours within a given month, you earn an additional $5.

When you get to complete a certain number of assignments, you’ll have opportunities for advancement as a transcription Reviewer up to a Proofreader, which allows you to earn more.

6. AccuTran Global

This Canada-based data entry company hires people from the UK, US, and Canada.

They pay a starting rate of $0.004/word for entry-level transcriptionists and up to $0.0055/word and a bit higher for legal or foreign-language audio (at $0.0066/word).


Known for providing legal virtual assistants and legal transcriptionists, e-typist occasionally hires “virtual paralegals.”

You’ll need to have your own computer with Windows operating system, as well as your own foot pedal.

They’re currently looking for legal transcriptionists and court transcriptionists to type up recordings and format them into legal documents, memos, letters, notes, and any other document required.

8. Quicktate and iDictate

Quicktate transcribes voicemail messages, recordings of conference calls, and other audio files, while iDictate transcribes all kinds of files.

Both companies look for data entry operators and transcriptionists and pay on a per-word basis. Expect to get 1 cent per 4 words (Quicktate) or 1 cent per 2 words (iDictate).

The downside to sending your application here is that you’ll need to pay for your own background check (that’s $20), but if you become a worker from either Quicktate or iDictate, you can check out tasks for both providers.

9. DataPlus

DataPlus+ provides BPO and data entry services to their clients, and they currently have openings for data entry clerks, mail and document handling clerks, and administrative personnel.

The Georgia-based company hires independent contractors who can perform accurate, work-from-home typing jobs.

They don’t have a page for applications, but you can inquire about their job openings by sending an email to info [at] dataplus-svc [dot] com.

10. Axion Data Entry Services

This company is one of the more popular data service providers around.

While slots for contractors rarely open up, those with 2 to 3 years of data entry experience and type 50 words per minute with high accuracy have a good chance to get hired.

Depending on the project, Axion pays its workers either on a per-project or per-page basis.

Unfortunately, Axion does require a fee to get included in their newsletter for future openings, but the actual jobs are real and definitely pay.

Find out more on their Employment page.

11. Speechpad

Speechpad offers several types of work-from-home typing jobs, including data entry, transcription, captioning, translation, and reviewing (quality assurance).

Transcribing short audio files is paid $.40-$.50 for each audio minute completed.

Speechpad accepts people new to home-based work and pays its workers every two weeks via PayPal.

Right now, Speechpad isn’t accepting workers, but check back on their application page from time to time to be the first to find out for any new openings.

12. SpeakWrite

If you are from either Canada or the United States (except California), have experience in legal or general transcription, and are willing to undergo federal, state, and local background checks, then SpeakWrite may just be the company for you.

They have thousands of clients in a wide range of industries from government and law enforcement to IT and other fields.

Most workers earn an average of $450+, but the top earners take home up to $3,400 or more.

Read more about their requirements and fill out the application form here.

13. Cyber Dictate

Continental US-based experienced transcribers looking for work-from-home typing jobs should check out Cyber Dictate.

Qualifications are higher than those of other companies. You’d need to have 3 years of legal experience within the past 5 to 7 years and type at a minimum of 85 words per minute.

Transcribers also need to have an existing headset, foot pedal, and transcription software.

14. Aberdeen Broadcasting Services

Aberdeen Broadcast Services provides closed captioning, transcoding, and broadcast distribution, as well as translation, dubbing, and subtitling services.

The company hires different work-from-home employees for a wide range of jobs, including real-time captioners, caption editors, and so on.

Pay depends on the position. For instance, transcribers earn $1/audio minute, real-time captioners earn up to $75/hour, and caption editors earn from $14 to $18 an hour.

15. SigTrack

SigTrack offers something unique – US-based workers (except for residents of California or Massachusetts) process petitions of voters, which means the job will only be available during petition season.

Pay is around 3.7 cents per piece entered, but the company requires that you maintain 98% accuracy and review other people’s work.

Payment is sent weekly via PayPal.

16. Xerox

Yup, the Xerox we all know is one of the best companies if you’re looking for flexible work.

The company opens virtual positions, including data entry specialists, regularly.

Competition is fierce, so this would be more ideal for people with experience.

17. Transcribe Me

This company accepts workers from around the world.

Even beginners are accepted, but you must pass the training course before you are given paid work.

Pay, which is sent via PayPal, is around $20 per audio hour transcribed.

18. Rev

As a captioner for, you add texts as captions for TV shows, movies, and other video content.

The company accepts anyone, no matter the age or country of origin, as long as work is accurately captioned.

Rates depend on experience and output, but Rev captioners make an average of $240/month.

19. Casting Words

This company accepts beginner contractors, who are willing to transcribe files with varying qualities of audio.

The pay reflects the audio quality too! Accurately transcribing a file with poor audio could earn you $1.20/audio minute, while a file with perfect audio has lower rates ($.60 per audio minute).

20. Iyuno

Iyuno is the world’s longest-standing, largest, and leading provider of dubbing and subtitling services through its global network of resources in over 24 countries.

If you know more than 2 languages, they provide plenty of freelance translation opportunities you can do from home.

21. Scribe America

If you have a medical background or studying to go into the medical field, this opportunity might be of great interest to you.

Medical scribes are professionals who work with physicians to transcribe information during clinical visits into electronic health records (EHRs).

Scribe America is currently hiring medical scribes who work remotely, called telescribes. You’d need to have a typing speed of at least 50 wpm, your own computer, reliable wi-fi, and the ability to take at least 2 shifts a week, with shifts ranging from 8 hours to 12 hours long.

22. ExamWorks

This is another opportunity for those with a medical background.

ExamWorks provides independent medical examinations, peer reviews, and bill reviews. They also provide document management and medical record retrieval.

They are currently hiring data entry associates tasked to enter data from source documents into the proper system database. They are also in charge of verifying that the data matches that of the source document and securing the information by backing up the database periodically, all while adhering to HIPAA.

23. 3Play Media

This Boston-based company is always looking for transcriptionists. They offer both full-time and freelance work, so apply based on your current situation.

Freelancers can choose to become an English transcriptionist, Spanish transcriptionist, or English voice writer. To join, you must be at least 18 years old and reside in the United States.

24. ModSquad

If you’ve had customer service experience in the past, you can apply as a live chat operator, or customer service representative.

ModSquad offers remote jobs, so you can perform the role totally from the comfort of your own homes.

General chat agents begin earning $12/hour, but if you have a specialization (legal, tech support, health, etc.), you are likely to earn more.

25. Babbletype

Babbletype is always looking for people to handle their transcription services — PureSpeech, PureText and PureResponse.

As an audio-to-text transcriptionist at Babbletype, you can earn up to $23/hour.

Babbletype ONLY accepts applicants who are current or past long-term residents of the United States (except for California), Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia or New Zealand.

26. Amberscript

You can apply to be a transcriber, captioner, translator, and other online typing roles at Amberscript.

What’s great about Amberscript jobs is that freelancers have control over their work hours. They can pick from projects available on their dashboards.

Do note that in order to join the Amberscript team, you’ll first need to complete an online transcription course.

Earning varies completely, but they jobs are paid per audio/video minute.

Other Places to Find Online Typing Jobs

Aside from these legit sources of work-from-home typing jobs, you can also check out numerous opportunities on sites like Fiverr, Clickworker, Amazon’s Mechanical Turk, Upwork, and other micro-job and freelancing boards.

The usual typing jobs you’ll encounter include typing text from images, PDF files, or hard copy documents into a Word or text document.

You can also find a specific niche, if you’re skilled to do the job. For example:

Making a Living with Online Typing Jobs

If you’re just starting out as a home-based worker, the first thing you should do is to compute your monthly expenses and decide on a livable wage you must reach.

Understanding this will help you plan your online career, or even help you decide if this path is truly ideal for you.

Like traditional jobs, these online typing jobs can make or break your finances.

If you land a full-time job with competitive rates (that equal or is more than your personal, livable wage), then you’re lucky. For most people who work from home, working on multiple data entry or transcription companies could do the trick.

But if typing jobs don’t work out, feel free to explore my massive list of 100 legitimate work at home jobs to find the right one for you.

Use One of These 5 Selling Apps to Get the Most Money for Your Stuff

Have you looked into selling apps to try and get rid of some of the stuff you’ve hoarded over the years?

There are a lot of options that can leave you completely overwhelmed.

The goal here is to find the best app to sell stuff quickly, cheaply, and to get the most money for your unwanted items.

These apps are mainly designed to sell stuff you have laying around the house locally.

If you are more looking to run a selling business, or you have a lot of inventory you need to move, you may want to look into becoming an Amazon seller and letting Amazon deal with the selling, shipping, and customer service.

Problems Using Apps to Sell Stuff

There are a few drawbacks to using apps to sell your stuff.

Don’t expect to list an item and get full asking price immediately.

These are just some realistic experiences you will face so it’s best to be prepared for the types of interactions that come along with app selling.

Most of these problems will just waste your time, but if you aren’t careful, you can lose your items (or even worse, your cash) to scam artists.

1. Prepare to Haggle

With zero face-to-face communication, everyone becomes an expert at haggling.

Prepare yourself to receive some ridiculous low-ball offers, even if you list your items with a “firm” price.

Free Arm Chair Haggling

Interactions like this are not uncommon.

2. Prepare to be Stood Up

Even if you find a buyer, there is still the chance that they simply won’t show up to pick up the item.

You can try and reach out to them, but I stick with the one chance approach.

Your time is valuable and if they don’t respect that, it’s not worth the trouble.

You could always offer to deliver the item, but make sure you tack on an extra cost.

Gas ain’t free yo.

3. Prepare for Selling Apps Scam Artists

This is the big one.

Scammers are taking to these apps to either steal the items from you via shipping scams, or even worse, using fake checks to steal money from you on top of it.

Never ever ever EVER agree to receive a check and then either ship the item somewhere or return a portion of the check back to the sender.

Scammers will often send out fake checks that will bounce after a few weeks, leaving you high and dry.

They are incredibly easy to catch though. The scammer will often approach you with a price that’s ABOVE what you’ve listed the item. Yes, they offer to send you more money than you’re asking.

Basically, use your common sense:

  1. Never agree to receive anything other than cash.
  2. Stick with local buyers.
  3. And agree to meetup in a safe location or with a friend of family member present.

Follow those three simple rules and you will run into no issues selling your stuff.

What’s the best app to sell stuff?

Well, that depends entirely on what your selling.

Each app below will have its pros and cons depending on the item you’re trying to list.

Personally, I like to deal locally and in-cash. I’m an instant gratification kind of guy. There’s nothing quite like going through stuff I was planning to simply throw out and receiving cash in hand for it.

The biggest drawback to using an app to sell your stuff is that you can also buy things. You could possibly end up with MORE stuff than when you started.

Keep a cool head, remind yourself that you don’t need that Bud Ice Penguin Neon Sign from their super effective 90’s ad campaign and you’ll be fine.

Bud Ice Penguin

On second hand, maybe you should buy it.

5 Best Selling Apps to Help You Get Money for Your Stuff

I’ve found that there are 5 main reasons you would use an app to sell things.

You can sell locally, nationally, instantly, clothes, and books.

One of these 5 apps will cover basically anything you can sell online and help you get the best possible price.

1. Letgo: Best App For Selling Locally

Letgo Selling App Logo

Letgo is going to be your best chance to sell your stuff using an app.

They have quickly become a household name with an estimated 45 million app downloads and 20 million active monthly users.

Aside from craigslist, Letgo will get your items in front of more faces than any other app.

However, Letgo is more of just a show-room, meaning they do not let you actually sell your items directly through the app.

Instead, they will connect you with local buyers and you will need to agree on a price and a time to meet in order to facilitate the sale.

Letgo listing

It’s incredibly easy to get started. You find what you want to sell, take a picture of it (Letgo can even determine WHAT you are selling just by the picture and categorize it accordingly), set a price, and wait for the offers to roll in.

As always, be smart, use common sense, and agree to meet in a safe location. Letgo doesn’t handle your money so you will not lose a percentage of the sale.

2. Offerup: Best App For Selling Nationally

Offerup Logo

Offerup could once be considered Letgo’s little brother.

However, as of May 2018, they have made huge advancements in the selling apps game and now offer buyers to ship their products to sellers across the US.

This opens up your products to basically the entire country and will let people from coast to coast see what you’re selling.

You can still deal with local sellers only and stick to cash, but if you are comfortable shipping your stuff, OfferUp is the way to go.

Offerup Listing

The process is roughly the same as Letgo. Download the app, take a picture, set a price, converse with buyers, and make the sale.

3. Decluttr: Best App For Selling Stuff Instantly

decluttr logo

Not interested in dealing with local creeps and lowballers?

Decluttr is the solution you need.

Decluttr allows you to sell your old CDs, DVDs, books, text books, cell phones, tech products, Legos, and a lot more instantly.

You download the app and scan the items you want to sell. Decluttr will tell you price they are willing to pay for them and will send you a free shipping label to send your stuff directly to them.

Decluttr process

Once your box arrives, Decluttr will send you your payment instantly.

Decluttr allows you to dump your old stuff in a box, drop it in the mail, and get a nice payment for it.

It’s as easy as it gets.

4. Poshmark: Best App For Selling Clothes

Poshmark Logo

If you’ve got a pile of clothes that don’t fit anymore (because you’ve crushed your New Year’s Resolution to drop 25 pounds obviously) and are taking up too much room in your closet, Poshmark is for you.

Poshmark mainly deals in women’s clothes and accessories, but you will find all kinds of categories including: men’s, children’s, handbags, shoes, makeup, and jewelry.

Poshmark listing

The app works the same as all the others.

Take a picture, list it in the marketplace, and wait for a buyer.

Poshmark does have a national audience. This means you will be shipping your products to a customer once you have a buyer.

You will not have to worry about shipping costs though. Poshmark will send you a pre-paid label for expedited shipping.

You will also have purchase protections and the added bonus of not having to find a time a place to meet someone in person.

There are fees unfortunately. Poshmark will take $2.95 on sales under $15 and 20% of the sale price for anything over $15.

You can also opt to keep your money on Poshmark and make more purchases there, essentially trading your clothes for other clothes or accessories. You have all this extra room now, why not splurge?

5. Bookscouter: Best App For Selling Books

Bookscoutr Logo

With Bookscoutr, you give them the ISBN of the book you want to sell, and they instantly search 42 different vendors to find you the best possible price for your old books.

You don’t have to worry about finding the best price yourself, Bookscoutr handles all of that.

Bookscoutr search

Most college bookstores will offer to buy back your textbooks for pennies on the dollar.

It’s insane how much they charge you to buy them and for how little they’ll give you in return.

Check with Bookscoutr first to get the best possible prices for all of your old books and textbooks.

You can also search for new ones to buy. The search works both ways and will search the same vendors and give you the lowest possible prices.

The Bottom Line

Finding the right app to sell your old junk shouldn’t be difficult.

No matter which app you choose, you’ll be receiving money for things that would have otherwise sat there and collected dust.

You’ll have more room and more money.

Just don’t use this as an opportunity to buy more stuff.