I’ve come across a few unbelievable side gig opportunities in my time, but even I was surprised that people can get paid to cuddle.
It might seem like a ridiculous thing to pay for, but professional cuddling is slowly gaining traction across the US and the world, and the reasons behind this growing line of work make a lot more sense than you might think.
But what does it take to become a professional cuddler, what precisely does this job entail, and how much can you realistically expect to earn? I explore these topics and more below.
The Role of a Professional Cuddler
At the heart of it, there’s the cuddling: embracing, touching, and caressing another person in a chaste, nonsexual way.
Some clients will want to talk and get things off their minds, and you’ll have to be ready to listen to them and be empathetic.
Unless you’re also a psychologist, do your best not to offer any professional advice. Getting paid to cuddle doesn’t make you an expert, and it’s best to remember that.
Depending on the arrangement (either between you and the agency or you and the client) you will either meet the client at an agreed-upon place or at their home.
From there, you’re free to sit on a couch and chat, watch a movie, or just cuddle, if that’s all the client wants to do.
Safety should always be first in everyone’s minds when arranging to meet with a stranger alone. That’s why it’s better to join up with an established company that already has safety procedures in place and carefully vets the clients.
Why Are People Paying To Be Cuddled?
The benefits of human interaction and touching, in particular, have been widely espoused by scientists and psychologists alike.
However, in today’s society, personal spaces are becoming wider, intimacy is increasingly scarce, and people are getting more isolated.
Online connections are stronger than ever before, but the human touch is left out of the equation.
With the recent pandemic forcing people to stay indoors and practice social distancing, everyone is more secluded than ever before.
This has led to many feeling the effects of touch starvation: anxiety, depression, stress-related physical disorders, and even PTSD.
Those working in the so-called “cuddle business” are all too familiar with this and see the positive effects their work can have on their clients’ lives.
Traditionally, cuddling isn’t exactly a taboo topic, but it isn’t something that one casually brings up in public or in the workplace. It’s something you only do with your partner or romantic interest when you want to show or receive affection.
Those in the cuddle business are working hard to change this perspective and advocate for cuddling as a way to connect with another human being through platonic, non-sexual touch.
Clients still feel this stigma, though, and normally want to keep their dealings private. But more and more people are recognizing the benefits of cuddling, especially those for whom casual physical contact, even a handshake, is elusive or even non-existent.
Overcoming the Stigma of Cuddling for Money
This new movement has its fair share of obstacles, especially when it comes to those who don’t understand what it’s all about, which included me, at first.
But as I delved deeper into this industry, I learned that cuddling can be a therapeutic experience, much like meditation, yoga, or mindfulness.
In today’s society, we often think that touching another person has to lead to something else, which means it can be embarrassing to think of cuddling a stranger as a viable way to earn an income.
But companies like Cuddlist are changing that perspective.
As their website states, “professional therapeutic touch through cuddling is healing and transformative when it happens in a respectful and emotionally safe way.”
So even though it might seem peculiar (at least, at first) to your friends or family, getting paid to cuddle is nothing to be ashamed of.
Think about it this way:
Those in need of a snuggle are restricted to asking those around them, which could lead to misunderstandings and a lot of awkwardness.
Instead, finding someone online, or through a business, that’s already comfortable with the idea and knows proper boundaries is a much better and safer option.
Where to Find Professional Cuddler Jobs: 5 Sites You Can Join and Get Paid to Cuddle
Some people, like Jane Wells, the owner of Cuddle Up to Me, strike out on their own and set up a business where they find and vet their own clients. However, this is extremely time-consuming and risky.
If you’re looking at this as more of a side gig then you’re probably much better off joining one of the major online agencies out there that run a community of “cuddlers,” “cuddlists,” or “snugglers” (there seems to be a wide range of terminology).
Here are some of the biggest cuddle companies in the business:
1. Cuddlist
Cuddlist requires that you complete their online course, which costs $150 to become a trained “cuddler.”
The good thing about Cuddlist.com is that the professional cuddlers in the system isn’t a lot, so your chances of getting a job is higher than other platforms.
However, you do have to pay $39.99/month to continue listing your profile as a cuddler for Cuddlist.
How much can you earn as a Cuddlist cuddler?
Depending on your experience, you can charge from $40 to $200 an hour.
2. Cuddle Comfort
Cuddle Comfort is a social network of people looking to cuddle, and other people willing to cuddle them.
Cuddle Comfort markets your cuddler profile within the network. When a client messages you directly via the platform, you organize a session and negotiate pay/time via chat. The client will then pay you in cash or via your preferred online method like PayPal before the session begins.
How much can you earn on Cuddle Comfort?
As a cuddler, you can earn up to $80 an hour, but you have control over your pricing and location of your cuddle services.
Note that Cuddle Comfort takes 15% of the Total Session Price as fee for connecting you with vetted clients.
3. Cuddle Companions
Cuddle Companions is a global platform that connects people that require cuddling services. This isn’t limited to cuddling though – the company is also open to users offering their masseuse, tour guide, travel/event companion, pretend partner, and other similar service.
How much can you earn as a cuddle for Cuddle Companions?
As a cuddle for Cuddle Companions, you can earn from $40 to $150 an hour.
The company takes 60% to 85% per booking (as service fee), the rest is the cuddler’s profit. You can get paid in cash, PayPal or your other preferred payment method.
4. Cuddle Sanctuary
Unlike other cuddle agencies, you can’t just join Cuddle Sanctuary and instantly offer your cuddling service.
Instead, you need to join their professional cuddling training, pass certification, and request to be included in their list of cuddle professionals. However, there is no guarantee that the company will market your cuddling service.
The professional cuddlers of Cuddle Sanctuary comes from California, Georgia, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Washington DC. They’re also in Mexico, Belgium, India and Tanzania.
Because you’re not technically an employee or contractor of Cuddle Sanctuary, you have total control over you pricing.
5. Cuddle Up
CuddleUp is a platform that connects people open to experience the “natural healing power of the human touch.”
If you’re interested in offering a non-sexual cuddle to people in need of a companion for coffee, a picnic, bike rides, watching movies, going on a walk, eating out, or just chilling at home, you can join CuddleUp as a cuddler.
There are also smaller, regional online businesses like Alt Touch in Boise, Idaho, or Snuggle Salon in certain California cities.
Cuddle companies in other countries include Harmony Cuddles in London, UK, and Cuddle Therapy in Australia.
You’ll likely have to go through a vetting process when you sign on and likely some training, which may cost money.
Some people, such as Jax Solomon of Cuddle Therapy Las Vegas, skip agencies and market their cuddling services on their own.
Generally, if you’re part of an agency then you’ll have a profile where clients can find you. If a client is interested then they’ll send you a request. After that, you’re free to chat with the client and book them during a timeslot when you’re both available. You can accept any job offer that comes your way, or reject a client if you don’t feel comfortable with them.
Virtual Cuddle Sessions
Since the 2020 covid and the lockdowns that resulted in that crisis, the need for touch therapy and at the same time made it difficult for people to get it.
Despite the obstacles professional cuddlers have found another way to offer their services to those who need them.
For instance, cuddlers may ask their client to lie on their side with one arm stretched under their head and their other arm wrapped around their torso, so that it feels they’re holding themselves.
Cuddle Sanctuary currently offers a paid training course in giving virtual cuddles to help professional cuddlers meet this demand.
For virtual cuddle sessions to work, it’s not enough that you’re knowledgeable about the techniques. Your client should also be open to the idea of trying something new.
There’s no substitute for actual human touch, of course, but being able to offer virtual cuddles and companionship can still make a lasting impact on one’s mental and emotional health, even from a distance.
Professional Cuddler Salaries: How Much Can You Get Paid to Cuddle?
On average, you could expect to be paid around $40 per hour, plus tips.
The pay depends on the company or agency you join. They may or may not restrict tips as well. Most agencies will also reimburse you for travel expenses to your meetup place.
Generally, the pay is really good. Some experienced cuddlers can get paid up to $80 for a 45-minute cuddling session.
You can also get paid to cuddle overnight, usually in 8-hour time blocks (e.g., 10 PM to 6 AM). This service can fetch from $300 to $500 and even higher.
When a session requires long-distance travel, clients usually have to shoulder the cuddler’s travel expenses (gas, car rental, transportation, flight tickets, as well as any hotel room booked).
The Bottom Line
It may boggle the mind that you can get paid to cuddle, but being a professional cuddler can be an incredibly rewarding side gig, full-time job, or even a small business.
Not only will you meet a ton of interesting people, but you can also help others deal with the anxiety and loneliness that stems from a lack of touch.
If you’re into more unconventional ways of making money (and meeting new people at the same time) then you might also be interested in looking at how to get paid for going on dates.